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Missed Regal Coin?? Don't Miss This! Gold Reward Token (GRX) Pre-Sale On Now Only 1.6 Million left


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Token Name: GOLD Reward Token
Abbreviation: GRX
Available Token Supply: 20,000,000GRX
Available Token for ICO: 17,500,000GRX (87.5% of Total Supply)
Token Distribution during ICO

Pre-Sale: 5,000,000GRX (4,500,000 + 10% in bonuses)
ICO Round 1: 4,500,000GRX (4,050,000 + 10% in bonuses)
ICO Round 2: 4,000,000GRX (3,700,000 + 7.5% in bonuses)
ICO Round 3: 4,000,000GRX (3,760,000 + 6% in bonuses)

12.5% of total GRX tokens have been offered to strategic investors and partners. This enabled the GRX project to kick-off and provides funding for advertisement and campaign. GRX Tokens held by strategic investors are frozen until 6 months after Crowd sale has ended.

All leftover tokens will be burnt after the Crowd sale except otherwise decided by the community. We are very optimistic there will be no leftovers.
How to buy Gold Rewards Token--->

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