What is required for Ethereum to go mainstream?

Why Ethereum?
Before actually discussing what is needed for Ethereum to go mainstream, it is important to explain why this particular chain could go mainstream at all.
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I would say that while it is often said that the features that were once the cause of the ith feature were on competitors (like the full Torung Smart support contracts) are now integrated features in other strings too, but Athurium still has some advantages over its competitors: it's the second biggest blush from the roof of the market, base a For a user/developer and fame.
This, along with all the attributes of the ith, brings the possibility of adopting mainstream.

Some comparisons between the ith and your bits based on the real data at the time of writing these claims:
The market ceiling is ith 45, 450, 809, $466, which is 27.4% of your bit
Eww actually 157.2% of manufactured transactions in last 24if your bit is compared
The trading volume in the past 24 hours has reached $1, 285, 420, 000, which is 22.5% of your bit
The mining bonus was in the last 24 hours 14, 608, $172 which reaches 81.8% of your bit
It has a 24, 365 nodes, 219.1% of your bit
But still has only 14% on Google Trends if compared to your bit (indicates bullish potential)

Why is it important?
Well, ith is the second largest, the most famous and currently reliable blueschen in existence, and I would argue that he is the most sophisticated speed, it has the largest developer base and that most country offices are based, just as well as most of the projects are in general Blueschen.
This means that while some other Bluchshenz may have similar smart nodes capabilities, they have less developers and support which is the main reason ith and probably will dominate.
Therefore, any other blocker need to develop a similar fame, user/developer base and confidence to actually compete if it has a similar or better technology.
To summarize the advantages of ith:

And can be scaled quickly

And from the most famous kryptonite after your bit

It is more portability, innovative and has tons of more applications compared to your bit

Might be the biggest developer base

It is necessary in many projects

Is there no real competition then?

It is clear that if a much better series is created than Athurium, it can become a new king, but that's only if ith doesn't catch technology in time who needs a competitor to catch up in a user base/project/Developer, trust and popularity, which seems unlikely but can certainly happen.
In fact, there is one kind of bluchchinon that can become a deadly ith that has been marketed near-Earth objects as: state-subsidized strings.
If a state actually created a new smart series enable a series (independently developed or ethurium forgery) instead of plugging their own blueschen with one ith, then ith can get real competition.
One of these projects appears to be under development.

The cryptoruble is the cryptocurrency announced by Vladimir Putin, who will be tied to the value to the ruble which will be easily interchangeable to fiat.
While it seems the bad news for any eww owners when you put this method, maybe it is the good news because, especially given the many encounters Vladimir Putin had with Vitelik Botero, the chains are expected to be closed.

Current crypto and blockchain problems that prevent mainstream adoption:

Price instability

While it attracts many investors, for most applications the lack of price stability is a big problem.

If $100 on PayPal account can turn to $200 or $50 by the end of the week PayPal may not have ever taken off.

For e-commerce, banking services, and much more to really work, this problem needs to be solved.
Here are some possible workarounds for this problem:

DAI (MakerDAO)

With some math and economics, all implemented through the smart contracts of ith, the Macerdao team wants to create a stttelcoken (DAI) that instead of relying on Oracle to ensure that the price is stable, it derives from transactions that occur on its decentralized exchange.

Oracle is an external resource for blueschen requires confidence, and Oracle is used by Beta Staples named Sai.
Sure, there are a lot of icons and encodings that have tried or even succeeded in solving this problem, but solving them in such a way does not the amount of decentralization is still hard, and that would be the best Stttlyn on the platform so far (if it succeeds, certainly.,
State-subsidized algorithms. Another possible solution is to twist stable encryption that supports the state on the chain.

Scalability and efficiency

Atherium is capable of about 20 treatments per second, while compared to your bit that can manage only 3-4 looks very good, if you look at the visa and the theoretical maximum of 1, 667TX/s becomes clear case:
The basis of Web 3.0 must handle the way more.
Proposed solutions for expansion:

The evidence of a consensus algorithm addresses both efficiency and scalability by replacing "mining" with "stacking", which instead of needing you to invest large amounts of electricity and power processing needs you to be athurium at stake who will lose if you try to confirm a malicious block (new deterrent).

It is faster and makes it more environmentally friendly and cheaper to run the series

The initiation is very complicated and there is still some debate as to whether it is possible or even safe to merit an article on its own.
But, simply put, the hacking is divided in a way that every miner should not check every block anymore, but only those listed in a stray instead, which makes the number of transactions that can be handled much higher depending on how many fragments do you divide the string.


Put it on its website:
"The Rayden network is the solution beyond the sizing chain, allowing for immediate, low-fee and scalable payments. It is complementary to the Athericum Bluto and works with any compatible code ERC20. The Ryden project is a work in progress. Its goal is to search for state channel technology, define protocols and develop reference applications. "
Sounds like the best solution for repetitive and small transactions. Bringing such transactions out of the series will certainly help to scale.
What other things are needed to adopt the dominant adoption?

Sync times, press client devices and better light customers
Just imagine that if you turn off your computer, when you run it again you need to wait some time to load large amounts of data in order to be able to surf the internet again. This is pretty much how it works with Atherium without light clients.
Light clients only download the current situation and do not need an entire blochin for action, which is necessary to reduce data and drain the battery to deliver a series operation, especially through mobile devices, and also because providing a complete local series on the smartphone is not an option.
Mobile Client

A mobile client is very basic for many applications and is currently one good development (obviously a mild client) by a team case.
Their echo has crashed a lot in the network in the past, because of the crazy support they received and because the smart contract was poorly designed.
The smart thing about this project is that it is basically a messenger, one full of bios that is, one that you can send money and not just messages.
You can find more information about this project on status.im

It lets you use Dabs with your smartphone, which is required for many applications to achieve success

Athaverium certainly seems to be a bright future but we need to keep in mind that success is not guaranteed.
What could go wrong?

Well, there are more than a few things that can get worse:

The sail does not work and there is no alternative way to achieve size

Regulation (Crebtus made illegal for example)

A state-backed series that does not integrate with ith or/or its own (good) smart contract support

A series with superior technology enough to get more momentum from the same ith
Critical and uninstallable security issue


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