The Never Ending Platform is a closed community Ethereum and Ethereum Classic exchange platform.
Never Ending isn't aiming to be a pump and dump exchange game. That is why it was decided to create a private community.
Everyone who participates in the platform has registered and accepted the conditions regarding the risks that an exchange may entail. In order to make the players earn good dividends, the entry fee is 30%. It will not only generate higher dividends, its also is less attractive to pump and dumpers and forces players to hold for a longer period of time. Besides the 30% entry fee, there is a extra 7% that comes on top of the 30% entry fee.


Why? 5.5% is to pay the staff members and 1.5% goes to the Dividends Pot, this is a pot that collect ETH until it reaches 5 ETH. When it does, the complete 5 ETH will be distributed as dividends among all the holders and then it will restart collecting again. The amount progress can be found on the platform at "Rewards". This is an extra on top of your normal dividends from the 30% entry fee which everyone will receive instantly, as usual.

The exit fee is a flat 3% with a extra 1.5% that, again, goes to the Dividends Pot. So in total you will pay a 4.5% fee when you take out your ETH. Your personal masternode link (which needs 50 Neathereum to be active) will give you a 38% bonus from the 30% entry fee if someone purchases through your link. Internal Neathereum transfers charges a 7% fee, which ofcourse will be distributed among Neathereum holders. Again, this settings are made to provide good dividends, having a extra dividend pot and to keep pump and dumpers outside the doors. Love it and participate!




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