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Week after the launch of the system of Efirium domain names: the first results of the auction

Since the launch of the Domain Names System of the Etherium (ENS) a week has passed - the time to sum up the first results. The first and most important result - unlike the unsuccessful first attempt to launch the project on March 14, when the critical errors in the auction's smart contract were discovered at the very beginning, this time everything went without comment.
Names and rates

In the first round, 12% of the initial list of domain names is exhibited. 17,600 auctions were launched, in which 1,100 participants made more than 7,500 bids. The number of bets is less than the number of auctions because the registrar's smart contract usually opens several auctions for each bet, in order to hide which domain name the bets are on.
At the time of writing, 3,278 participants disclosed their bids, and 463 domain names already received their owners.
Price list

To date, the highest bid for the domain name is 29,500 ETH - 2 million 725 thousand dollars at the current rate. This rate has not yet been disclosed, so it is not known what name it was made to, and the auction continues.
The highest bid of the disclosed - 6,660 ETH, is made in the name exchange.eth. The auction is not over yet, but most likely, its final price will be 1 103 ETH (slightly more than 100 000 dollars) - the winner who offered the maximum price wins, but the final amount that he pays is equal to the previous rate. 20 hours before the end of the auction, the highest bid for the name bitfinex.eth is 505 ETH.
The most expensive names, auctions for which have already been completed:
Cbsnews.eth - 287 ETH
Weather.eth - 250 ETH
Gateway.eth - 210 ETH
In total, about 100 000 ETH remains blocked in bets, however only 712 ETH of them are related to the completed auctions. Analysis of completed auctions shows that for each paid ETH, there are 7 ETH of bets made.
Winning bets

It would be a mistake to assume all that the * .eth names are expensive; Of 463 registered names, over 70% received their owners for a minimum amount of 0.01 ETH. In this case, if a particular name is in a pre-compiled list of names used by popular Dapp, then the picture becomes clear: of the registered names, the list contains 38%, but they account for 94% of all airtime deposits. Thus, if you bet on a name that is not on the list, then the chances of getting it for the minimum bid of 0.01 ETH are greater than 90%, however, if the name is on the list, they are reduced to 41%.
The average cost of a name from the list is 3.78 ETH, and the name not from the list costs only 0.14 ETH.
For potential participants

The main page for participation in the auction is Detailed information on the course of auctions can be obtained at or in real time on Codetract.
You can send funds to ENS addresses right now using Metamask, and in the near future ENS support will be added to Mist, MyEtherWallet, and Leth.
The ENS team does not stop stressing that the funds paid for domain names are a refundable deposit. User name can at any time abandon it and get back its ETH. The only non-irresponsible expenses - a participant making a bet, loses 0.5% of the deposit, and this amount is burned (sent to an address that does not have a private key). This is done to prevent mass squatting of domain names.

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