My Top 10 Blockchain Christmas Wish List

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Dear Santa,

It has been a pretty amazing year. Cryptocurrencies have skyrocketed, bitcoin may be the 2017 Word of the Year, and blockchain is finally breaking into more mainstream circles. I’m not going to lie, there have been a lot of naysayers trying to put coal in the stockings of crypto investors this holiday season, but I do recall even The Grinch had a change of heart in the end.

Christmas came a little early for me this year Santa since I’ve decided to become the CMO of MIMIR Blockchain Solutions. While my faith in my new team is strong, I understand that challenges remain for us at a tech start-up and the blockchain industry at large.

This is why I wanted to write to you Santa. I hope you can add blockchain to the Nice List this year. There is so much good happening in and around this technology that people really need to know about and understand. So as I sip some hot cocoa by the fire, I’m hoping Santa can grant me what I desire.

Here’s my list.

  1. Ethereum to lead the crypto race, and take its rightful leadership place.

  2. Education to make blockchain more easily understood, and rid the market of all falsehood.

  3. Distributed solutions to lead more mainstream codes, and act as a compliment to APIs and centralized nodes.

  4. ICO’s to be seen as more than a scam, and for real companies to rise for actually giving a damn (sorry Santa for saying “damn”).

  5. Less forks, more sporks.

  6. More blockchain companies to become partners and mates. This industry needs less friction, more means to collaborate.

  7. Legislation to help position our industry beyond Fintech. We don’t need vagueness and any more bottleneck.

  8. Actual case studies outside of CryptoKitties to prove validity. This will surely give blockchain more credibility.

  9. Blockchain to go down in history as a great tech tale without being shackled by fears of accessibility, security and scale.

  10. Santa to put the “Naughty and Nice” list on a blockchain for “St. Nick” himself to deal directly with Jimmy, Johnny and Jane.

This is my Christmas Wish List this year, Happy Christmas to all, and to all good cheer!!!

Bio: John Licata is the CMO of MIMIR Blockchain Solutions.

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