Crypto currencies are a hedge against inflation

Most people can see that the stock market and housing prices in the United States are near all time highs. Where are these investments likely to go? If we look at history, the answer is down.

Crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin on the other had are in their infancy stages. What drives an investment upward? The answer is more demand than supply. Only a small percentage of people in the world even know what crypto currencies and blockchain technology are. As we see companies like and countries like Japan embrace a crypto currency like Bitcoin, the demand for Bitcoin becomes stronger. We are beginning to see restaurants in Germany accept Bitcoin. Venezuelans are buying food with crypto currencies. The Russian government likes Ethereum etc.

In the next three to five years we will likely see more and more businesses embrace crypto currencies. More people will come online and invest in crypto currencies too. This growth is likely to result in significantly higher prices in the top crypto currencies. It's a opportunity that none of us should miss. For $100 you can buy two shares of Litecoin with the hope of gains of more than 500% in less than 10 years. The down side is only losing $100. These odds are much better than a lottery ticket and downside is minimal.

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