Why I love games that run on the Ethereum Blockchain | ETH TOWN - Sign up for Early Access and a Free Airdrop

What's the best Ethereum Blockchain Game? Meet ETH TOWN!

Let's talk about games built on the Ethereum Blockchain first though...

You've heard of Cryptokitties. Right? Did you know that one of the rarest cryptokittie was worth over $100,000 back in Decemebr? So, what's the deal with Ethereum based blockchain games?

Ethereum Blockchain Games VS. The Average Video Game

Let's compare a game on the Ethereum blockchain to the average video game. For instance, you bought your favorite Pokemon game for your 3ds. You treasure your unique Pokemon that you took time to breed, train, and use for battles. Nintendo decides to remove breeding in the next game, training becomes irrelevant, and they stop the online server for battles. Nintnedo has the right to do this because THEY own your Pokemon game.

In fact, Nintendo removed a game called "Miitomo" from the Google Play Store. The game revolved around silly jokes, funny hats and the company's cute, customizable Mii avatars. Nintnedo sold "Miitomo coins" through the app in order for users to buy clothing for their miis. Almost a year ago, Nintnedo completely removed the game from the Google Play Store. Those virtual clothes you purchased with fiat are completely gone.

How does the Ethereum Blockchain solve this?

Gaming on the Ethereum blockchain provides a decentralized experience. When you purchase a digital asset, it's YOUR digital asset, not a centralized company's asset that you paid for. The rules to the game are open sourced, not controlled by the centralized company. You won't have to worry about the company taking your digital assets, because YOU own your digital assets.

ETH TOWN will take Gaming on the Blockchain to New Heights

ETH TOWN is a game designed for investors built on the Ethereum blockchain. The game introduces "Investor Tokens". Those investor tokens will be given dividends of the profits from the gamer's activity.

"For instance, if an asset trade goes through, the biggest share of the ETH amount involved goes to the deal-maker as profit, a second share accrues to token investors, and a third, smallest part goes to the devs."

How will ETH TOWN Generate a Profit Pool for Investors?

Many meta games will be incorporated and added to ETH TOWN. These games will provide a chance for profit gaming and asset trading, which will generate that profit pool.

What can Investors buy on ETH TOWN?

Investors will be able to purchase characters or what ETH TOWN calls "Heroes". These characters will be owned by the investor, not a centralized company. That character is YOUR digital asset. These characters will be "upgradable", probably by purchasing different clothing, buying crypto-comapny businesses in game, or other ways. These characters can be sold for Ethereum on the platform or tokens that can be transferred to an exchange to be sold.

6 Ways to Get Investor Tokens

  1. Tokens will be distributed via gaming activity on the platform. For instance, you get some amount of tokens for each ETH you spend in the game, even if you get that ETH sent back to you in a minute.

  2. A secret mechanism which we will hold in suspense for just a while longer (arguably the most important channel of token acquisition!!!). By the game design, players will not be able to access it fast.

  3. Buying tokens on EtherDelta and other exchanges.

  4. Get some now while we are still running Airdrop and bounty campaigns!

  5. By buying cool stuff in our Pre-Sale — you get 100 TOKENS per 1 ETH spent as a bonus. Pre-sale will start soon. (We’ll have a separate post on the details.)

  6. Refer friends to participate in the pre-sale and get the same amount of tokens as they do.

ETH TOWN Airdrop!

Sign up for free investor tokens at https://eth.town You'll get $5 of free investor tokens for signing up and possibly get early access to the game.

Sounds Cool. Right?

Keep track of ETH TOWN's progress by following them on social media. I hope your looking forward to the release of the game. More updates are on the way!

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Instagram: https://instagram.com/eth.town
Telegram: https://t.me/Ethertown
Medium: https://medium.com/@ethtown
Discord: https://discord.gg/qWgw5f9

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