Thinking about the fall of Ethereum and Google File System, Bigdata, AI

Thinking about the fall of Ethereum and Google File System, Bigdata

Hi~ I'm @lordwillbe

Recently, the bad news is getting worse for Ethereum. for example, Ethereum traffic problem, ICO surplus and a collapse in the GDAX and so on.

I'd like to think about how this blockchain platforms came through.

So I summed it up in the following paragraphs.

  • (1) What is the blockchain?
  • (2) decentralized and distributed ledger
  • (3) GFS (Google File System)
  • (4) GFS architecture
  • (5) GFS, Bigdata, AI and Smartcontract
  • (6) Thinking about the fall of Ethereum

(1) What is the blockchain?

If it's too easy, you don't have to read this paragraph

There are these articles in the paper of SatoshiNakamoto who suggested bitcoin.

A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution.

Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network.

[참조 : Bitcoin, A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System by Satoshi Nakamoto]

I think, here are some hints about the blockchain.

  • 1) decentralized(distributed)
  • 2) ledger(database) without going through a financial institution.
  • 3) double-spending and encryption(security)
  • 4) peer-to-peer network. openness

I can summarize it like this..

Wikipedia is a good description of this in one sentence.

A blockchain is a decentralized and distributed digital ledger that is used to record transactions across many computers ....

[참조 : Blockchain by Wikipedia]

(2) Decentralized and distributed ledger

So, if I summarize a little bit more, I think, the blockchain is a decentralized and distributed ledger.

Here, 'decentralized', This is where friction occurs with financial institution such as banks.

If someone think that the Cryptocurrency is fiction, they seems to believe that we do not need to implement a decentralized ledger,

and If someone think that the Cryptocurrency needs to us now, they seems to believe that It will change our lives quickly or slowly, but meaningfully.

I believe that it is the latter.
so, You know, We're going to go through these changes for a while,
I think, Ultimately, the attempt to decentralize will continue, Therefore, I believe that Peer-to-Peer frame will go to the mainstream rather than the main server frame.

Let me tell you why I think so through GFS.

(3) GFS (Google File System)

Computer servers have been since about 1950's for our lives.

1) There are several arguments, but generally the first server was a mainframe developed by IBM.

2) The next system is client-server system.
As everyone knows, there're a server and some clients
The clients will query the server and get the responses.

The difference between 'Main server frame' and 'Client/Server'is, I think it is intelligence of the client.

The Client does what Clients have to do, and It ask the remainings to query the server.

Therefore, the Client is smarter than before.

But we've focused on increasing the capabilities of servers rather than acknowledging the ability of these smart Clients.

It was a time when it became fashionable to use Supercomputers to manage big data groth.

In this situation, Google published a paper about the name of Google file system around 2003.

I think, by reducing the GFS paper to a brief summary,
'Do not build a server through a huge supercomputer, but distribute it to a number of PC-class low specification servers so that even if one individual node fails, there is no problem'

A few of those who read this article might think 'Everyone knows that?',
but, In fact, the idea was really amazing from the perspective of introducing supercomputers at that times.

'Is that possible??'
'How can we calculate that much by configuring a low-end PC-class server?'
'What if an individual node does not have the capacity to do the wrong calculation?' and so on....

like this, with so many questions, GFS was born.

What does GFS have to do with the blockchain and Ethereum??
Let's wait and see about this question, I'll take a look about GFS.

(4) GFS architecture

<Reference: The Google File System by Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung, Google]>

'Why do I have to see my head hurt like this?', don't think of it like this, just take a moment..

First of all, the above diagram is the simplest architecture that describes GFS.
Until the early 2000's, people thought that they had to grow the ability of the master server in the red box above diagram
In the name of the SuperComputer, I mentioned earlier.

However, Google at GFS' paper said,
having a single master simplifies their design and enables the master to make sophisticated chunk placement.
However, They must minimize its involvement in reads and writes so that it does not become a bottleneck.

In other words, all of the centralized tasks that the Supercomputer has been responsible for in the past are now shared to individual-nodes(in the diagram above, called chunkserver).

In GFS, the file unit to be stored is called a Chunk, Chunksize is one of the key design parameters. They have chosen 64 MB, which is much larger than typical file system blocksizes.

이를 64MB 단위로 나누었습니다.
(Here, Some people might find similarities with Bitcoin. The Bitcoin specifies a blocksize of up to 1MB on the network Therefore Hardfork, Softfork, UASF, SegWit, On Chain Scaling, Off Chain Scaling etc.... This causes various problems.)

Returning to the GFS story again, They have chosen blocksize 64MB.
And that single file is distributed over multiple nodes and stored redundantly
The following diagram shows the flow chart that is saved in duplicate.

<Reference: The Google File System by Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung, Google]>

What we need to look at in our view of Blockchain
is that Google has begun to acknowledge that one node is not perfect.

So They divided it up and stored it in several chunkserver, and one of them is to modify the file in comparison to the rest of the replica when a chunk occurs.(We will also notice that Blockchain is similar to the security and PoW concept.)

(5) GFS, Bigdata, AI and Smartcontract

So how did the 'Google File System' affect the market?

As you know, BigData system is implemented on the Hadoop platform..
This Hadoop is an open source platform built on Google File System(GFS).

By the mid-to-late 2000's, Businesses began to realize that huge amounts of data from around the world would be money.
We often say 'The data is money'.
They began to realize that some of the Supercomputers could not be solved to collect and analyze this Bigdata, then Hadoop's developers were worried about this, but They saw the GFS paper from Google.

Therefore, Distributed nodes are needed to store and process large amounts of data, It is Hadoop file system that stores it, processes it with the data when necessary, and produces various results.

HDFS, This is now the big data platform.

Further, This Bigdata technologies call for data generation between machines 'IOT(Internet of Things)' and
based on Bigdata 'AI(Artificial Intelligence)',
Things to be used for payment between Internet of Things
'Ethereum Smart Contract'
I think they're all connected.

I think, Google made such a surprising offer at that time,
The proposal has become the genesis of today's BigData system.

'decentralized and distributed' and Bigdata, IOT, AI, Smart Contract : I think this is a timeless trend.
Now, the logic that we're going to need to bring back the Supercomputer and centralize it, perhaps, is a way of thinking of bygone days
(Of course, I admit that there are people who disagree. and I admit that I might be wrong. )

(6) Thinking about the fall of Ethereum

Now I'm going to make a conclusion about my idea.

Decentralized and destributed systems are the trends of the times. I think.

I think the use of Big Data will become very important in our lives.

So, I would like to talk to the people who are having difficulties while looking at the fall of Ethereum,
Let's look at this flow with a broader perspective.

Of course, It may not be possible to raise the price of tomorrow or next month's cryptocurrency.

'IOT, AI, Bigdata, Smartcontract : This flow is not likely to change.'
<br. In conclusion, We can watch this mega trends.


Pleas, subscribe @lordwillbe

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