zkSNARK for Ethereum - A new hard fork is coming?

Making transaction untraceable but keep the blockchain safe, work in progress!

Using the ZCash protocol with Ethereum May push Smart Contracts to another planet, where the publisher of a DAO will be unstoppable as his creation is. We will remain safe, unfindable.

As stated by Christian Reitweissner :

“What is verified here is the zkSNARK part of some real transaction on the real zCash network. I pulled the data out of the chain some time around January, I think. I have no idea who created the transaction or how much money is sent inside it, but now the Ethereum network knows it is correct :-)” (Memoria, 2017)

Also you can think it will bring some community of the Silk Road, be i'm afraid we can see more huge as this, like a dark cartel decentralize and organise in the web for making new unstoppable business, private and unregulated transaction and money laundering.

For for a category of people (not really in the law), it will be clearly profitable, but anybody for his own safety should have the right of privacy and i join this ideology for this, not for drugs, not for money laundering or anything suspicious, i just want to be sure that my privacy is respected, and if it's have to pump to the moon, why not jumping in the train take some money.

As you can see Zcash and Monero going up and this is just the beginning, it's legal to protect our self, (for me) use and trade a coins should be a human right.

About the hard fork, nothing is sure... but we all see it coming right? :)

(Image from : https://z.cash/blog/zksnarks-in-ethereum.html)

Thanks for reading.


Memoria, F. (2017).Ethereum’s Byzantium Testnet Verified Part of a Zcash Transaction. Took from https://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/ethereums-byzantium-testnet-verified-part-of-a-zcash-transaction/

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