MyEtherWallet vs MyCryptoWallet Explained


The team behind MyEtherWallet (MEW) has now moved to MyCryptoWallet, a new website created by one of the co-founders of MyEtherWallet, Taylor Monahan.

The reason for this split is unclear and this has only been exacerbated by the lack of transparency leading up to this change.

There is documentation for the dissolution of MyEtherWallet back in late December of 2017, so this isn’t exactly news for the founders of that company.

The users of MyEtherWallet however were pretty much left in the dark until the switch was made apparent on the social media platform Twitter and all of it’s dramatic glory.

Basically Taylor decided to change the name of the MyEtherWallet twitter account to MyCryptoWallet, taking with it all of the followers that she had accrued during the past years maintaining the Twitter account for MyEtherWallet. She then gave the MyEtherWallet twitter handle to Kosala, but this time, without the thousands of followers. Kosala than seized the opportunity to cause some FUD about the newly formed MyCryptoWallet.
To be honest, the FUD worked because of the complete lack of communication from Taylor.

If you’re a user of MyEtherWallet, I believe it is still functional and your funds are still available.

But if you’re wondering which of these sites will continue on, or if they both will, then I highly suggest taking a look at a couple things.

  • First look at GitHub, check the activity for both of these projects (Links down below)
  • Second, check what kind of team is behind each project.
    You might find that MyEtherWallet has gone a bit quiet lately since this switch, and you might also find that the team of MyEtherWallet has also switched to MyCryptoWallet.

I get the feeling that MyCryptoWallet will continue to move forward and make strides toward providing a platform that serves the users of Ethereum. The future of MyEtherWallet will remain to be seen, in my opinion, that one depends Kosala being able to get a team together that competes with MyCryptoWallet.

That being said, I have to say that both parties involved with this drama should have, and certainly could have approached this change in a much more professional manner. Unfortunately the users are the ones who suffered from the resulting drama.

Additional Info/Sources:

MyEtherWallet Website
MyCryptoWallet Website
MyEtherWallet Dissolution Doc
MyEtherWallet GitHub
MyCryptoWallet GitHub
In-Depth YouTube Vid on this Matter

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