FlipNpik offers a NEW Form of Social Marketing

The use of influencers has become a major marketing operation.

Most celebrities tend to earn a large portion of their annual income through product endorsements. The reasoning behind why brands tend to buy celebrity ambassadors is because this allows them to attach themselves with someone already well-known among the public.

With the growth of social media usage, everyday people have had the opportunity to have a popularity that rivals the popularity enjoyed by celebrity. In an effort to diversify their brand’s endorsements, companies began promoting their product through influences.

Influencers are people who have amassed a large following on social media.

Brands were quite satisfied to utilize the services of everyday people who had built a following on social media. This showed that the influencer had actually built a following through a long and dedicated journey, and that the followers were interested in the particular content niche the influencer offered. This made influencers a great way to advertise in targeted markets and the endorsement seemed genuine (as long as endorsed product aligned with the influencer’s market niche).

Over time, however, influencers have become expensive and a large number of them are simply trying to optimize following as they are incentivized to have just a higher number of followers; this factor determines their pay. A new blockchain project offers a solution to social-media based promotions by sustaining the level of genuineness brands seek.

Volume-Based Marketing

The usage of influencers relies on the same underlying belief that a popular individual can drive a bigger sale volume. FlipNpik is a project that provides a different way to reach a lot of people.

Instead of reaching to millions of people with 1 social media influencer, FlipNpik makes it possible for businesses to reach millions of people with thousands of social media users.

FlipNpik is a platform that automates customer-engagement incentives. The core function of FlipNpik is to drive activity for a business.

It becomes possible for a business to provide an incentive pool for people to engage with their social profiles and to create content on their behalf and to then be automatically paid for this. FlipNpik utilizes smart contracts that facilitate a simple payment mechanism for a mass amount of promoters. The result of this is that businesses don’t need to use just 1 influencer; instead, they can use thousands of social media users without having to worry about the labor of paying them as that will automatically be sustained by the system. There are other key benefits here too.

  • As everyday users begin to promote a brand, their reach will primarily be within their social circle composed of friends. People value a recommendation from a friend a lot more than a celebrity or even an influencer. Thus, FlipNpik aims to generate a form of social promotion that is of higher quality than influencer marketing.

  • The payment is scalable in the sense that people who wish to go out of their way can receive extra rewards by becoming ambassadors; thus, the the platform is optimized to ensure every type of person can play a role in FlipNpik’s ecosystem.

FlipNpik Essential Links

🌐 Website: https://flipnpik.io/
💡 Whitepaper: https://flipnpik.io/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/2018_FNP_WP_EN_V10.pdf
👨 ANN Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3405728
💻 Telegram: http://t.me/flipnpikico

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