Content Market Never Changed, but MEDIA Protocol will Change It

With the advent of the internet, the way people interact with technology has been changed forever. The result has spilled to how people interact with many industries. But one of the markets that haven't witnessed an evolution is content.

The internet has allowed people to connect with one another with ease, and as a result, the market size of content production and consumption has grown exponentially. The internet has grown the market size of content but it has not changed the way this market functions.

No Change

Prior to the internet, content producers would work for large, centralized entities like newspapers or television networks.

The internet allowed the creation of platforms where anyone could be a content producer--this lead to growth in industry size as the industry could indirectly employ more people. However, the means with which the industry works has stayed the same: content creators are dependent on a centralized entity to publish their content and content consumers must abide by the demands of the platform. The age-old problems of the content industry have not changed.


  • Content creators provide the labor in the content industry; they are the ones developing innovative means to attract an audience and they are the ones risking the opportunity cost of their time, yet the platforms remain the real winners in the content industry

  • Most platforms are keyed on audience quantity and so they have a disregard for quality of content and care more about the efforts content creators make to draw more views or readers. This forces creators to limit their quality and focus more on tactics and strategies for attracting greater audiences; click-baiting is just one example.


  • Platforms, in an effort to draw more revenue, often store user data to gain an increased insight on which ads should target a specific user.

  • Platforms' algorithms often put higher value to click-bait content and, consequently, the audience could be presented with low quality content.

Another major problem with platforms is that there isn't an effective curation taking place. As a result, content consumers have a difficult time discovering content creators that meet their interests and standards.

A Solution

A new blockchain project, MEDIA Protocol, wants to redesign the way content flows to the masses. MEDIA Protocol provides an ecosystem where there isn't a central authority controlling the flow of content; it allows anything with a URL to incorporate this functionality.

  • Content creators will get the full fruit of their earnings. Additionally, they will be able to create the content they want with their own quality standards as there won't be a governing algorithm forcing them to make click-bait titles or hollow content designed to push readers to the next view. MEDIA Protocol will allow content creators to reach their full potential in a truly open market content economy.

  • Content consumers won't have to be concerned about a central entity storing their data for potential misuse. Content consumers will be able to directly reward the creators at the rate they feel most adequate as MEDIA Protocol offers both a pay-wall system and a native tipping mechanism. Also, those content consumers who promote creators' content or become early followers could be rewarded by creators who expense tokens to promote their work; these consumers would act as valuable curators.

MEDIA Protocol dodges the notion of developing algorithms that empower certain curators at the disadvantage of others. This forces creators to align their content with the wants of the algorithm, thereby severely limiting the creativity of many creators. Instead, MEDIA Protocol empowers the masses to curate the content and highlight to others the creators with the greatest talent.

Wrap-up: MEDIA Protocol is redesigning people's interaction with content. It creates a true free market economy where creators are able to directly reach out to consumers, allowing creators to earn the full earning of their work.

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