ETHEREUM! The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!

I published this video last week and it takes a look at the Ethereum platform. But I'm not taking the approach of an crypto-investor or just a financial markets guy, but rather from a sociological and spiritual perspective.

I think decentralized blockchain technology driven digital currency is going to be the long planned One World Economy, but it didn't happen the way we all thought it would. Nevertheless, the Rothschild banking elite seems to have planned this for decades (look at the 1988 cover on the magazine owned by the Rothschilds, The Economist...mentioned in the video).

So while I think in the short term, cryptocurrencies are going to fight, and eventually replace the fake fiat financial fraud that has enslaved humanity, ultimately, the tech is leading to something that was written down thousands of years ago a.k.a. the MARK OF THE BEAST.

And if you think this sort of thing is ridiculous, consider the fact that earlier this week, Microsoft announced a partnership with Accenture in a program called ID2020 to provide, " IDs to over 1 billion undocumented people around the world..." This program is one in cahoots with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, which is basically a human enslavement program for the New World Order! What's unique is that they're using blockchain to create the database for these ID's!!

The director at Accenture said the following:

"Without an identity you can't access education, financial services, healthcare, you name it. You are disenfranchised and marginalized from society,"

Now let's compare that to some words written thousands of years ago in the Book of Revelation, chapter 13:

"Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave,e to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name."

Do you see the similarities? It can't just be mere coincidence!



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