Wait, what? WTF is a CryptoKitty??!!

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I fucking love the internet!

Where else can you sell nothing (virtual cats), for nothing (virtual money), and somehow it's
actually worth 80,000 dollars??

CrytptoKitties is a site where you can buy fake cats and charge people fake/real money
to fake breed with your fake cats.

In fairness they made really cute kitties. And the master minds behind the site included cats with "rare" attributes that you can only unlock by breeding with other cats.

Literally a genetic lottery.

People obviously don't see crypto as real money yet. No one would buy a fake cat for $5k on their credit card but they will shell out a few ETH.

(To those people, here's my ether address: 0xe3ddd7BEcd25411Aa2432dcD30e1E8BD5067B1A6)

CryptoKitties is one of the first widely popular applications built using Ethereum smart contracts. Its so popular that it recently clogged up the Ethereum network.

There's even a guy named Todd who made more money on CryptoKitties than he does in his IRA! WTF??

Anyway, just bought 10 fake cats for the bargain price of ~6 ETH. Go breed with them! ;)

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