Ethereum Predictions - Where Is It Going In 2018

Ethereum has seen one of the highest increases of all the major crypto currencys but has also retained its growth by holding on the $900 + mark day after day. Etehreum was valued at just $7 back at the start of 2017 and saw a high of about $1,400 for a short period of time.

Where could we see Ethereum this year?

A few predictions are out there lets take a look into them and what supports these visions of the future.

Some facts about ethereum

  • Creator Vitalik Buterin has shown increase ability to alter and recharge focus where needed in order to help fuel growth of the crypto
  • Produced a few successful updates to the block chain without creating an "fork" an alternate coin
  • ETC or Ethereum Classic is the old beta version of Ethereum which for whatever reason has remained intact (crazier things happen in crypto land)
  • Ethereum allows for contacts which has been a key feature of its blockchain from others
  • Most exchanges allow buying ETH to be bought right out with FIAT only few cryptos offer this such as bitcoin and litecoin
  • Exchanges do allow for ETH to alt coins again only few exchanges support this.

Predictions from people....
(Image pulled from


For my own opinion I see it by years end to be around $2,500 per as it starts to replace bitcoin if lightning network falls through or comes up short, continues growth in the blockchain in terms of support, apps using it and ability to scale transactions per second/POS.


*Please remember this is opinion only and not investment advise, please use your own judgment or seek professional advice before investing. (P.S Really lame this even has to be put here but its true / people)

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