ET3 | Space Travel On Earth (Part 1)

Unbeknownst to all, a humble American unsung genius and prolific inventor is living in Longmont, CO. Daryl Oster, CEO of ET3 Global Alliance (ET3GA) has fully optimized tube transport; a form of infrastructure that will shape the 21st Century and beyond. Evacuated Tube Transportation Technology (ET3) involves car sized superconductive maglev capsules able to transport cargo, utilities, and people through evacuated tubes across the globe (400/4000 mph local/int'l).


Tube transport beginnings can be read in Jules Verne's 'Paris in the 20th Century' (written 1863), Robert Goddards Vacuum Tube Transport (VTT) 1950 patent, and RAND Corp's 1972 VTT study. By 1987, the Nobel Prize in physics was awarded to Müller & Bendnorz for their breakthroughs in High Temperature Superconductivity (HTS). As a boy attending a scrap yard with his father, Daryl pondered 'what if' people and cargo can be transported through tubes as he was witnessing pneumatic tubes transporting messages across the scrap yard. While at Walla Walla University, his calculations involving aero dynamics made him realize without air resistance, speeds of vehicles (in a tube) can dramatically increase. During the late 80's, Daryl was working Wall St. and quickly realizes HTS the optimal suspension mechanic for ET3. By the mid 1990's, he was determined and obsessed with his recorded ideas. By 1997, he filed his 1st patent, 'Evacuated Tube Transport'(ETT); by 1999 ETT was secured and assigned to . He quickly coined 'Space Travel On Earth' as the best means to describe ET3.


During the early 2000's, Daryl was contacted by Dr. Yaoping Zhang from China (an expert in the field of HTS while working under China's HSR-High Speed Rail agency). By 2002, Daryl was formerly invited to Southwest Jiaotong University (SWJTU) to help them with their ET3 HSR program as a licensee agreement between ET3GA and SWJTU had been established. Daryl and Yaoping email correspondence are published in 'A New Industrial Era Coming: Initial Dialogue On Evacuated Tube Transport' (2002). Since 2002, China continues to advanced the field of ET3 with its T-flight program orchestrated by CASIC (China Aerospace Science & Industry Corporation).


While living in Florida and a council member of Crystal River City, Daryl championed ET3 as a vital solution to connect all of Florida's cities goods and people rapidly and sustainability. However, Daryl received much ridicule at the time while China was building 1st and 2nd generation ET3 systems. Throughout the 2000's, the ET3GA consortium grew slowly despite more ET3 IP (intellectual property) being developed and licensed by ET3GA. But everything changed for ET3 in 2011 when the Journal of Modern Transposition published this:

Part 2 of this series will involve Daryl's meeting with Elon Musk and why Hype(erloop) has no future.


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