ETHICS AND PERSONAL BRAND: Are you someone that a customer who pays a million would trust?

Trust marks the market, you want a business of a million dollars, but you are someone who would trust a customer who pays a million? Let's see:

Many people enjoy life quietly, they do what they want, they think how it provokes them, they say what happens to them then they do what they remember. They think that they think about themselves and not about others and do something different than what they said they would do and with that they only condemn themselves to failure.

A human being has the duty and the right to take care of his personal and professional image, you are what you say before the rest, you are what you fulfill, what you do in front of what was agreed upon.

To obtain tools to achieve it read more in:

Follow me to build that business that reaches for the lifestyle you can have.

Spanish version:

La confianza marca el mercado, quieres un negocio de un millón de dolares, pero eres alguien en quien confiaría un cliente que pague un millón? Pasemos a ver:

Muchas personas disfrutan la vida tranquilamente, hacen lo quieren, piensa como les provoca, dicen lo que se les ocurre luego hacen lo que recuerdan. Creen que piensan si mismos y no en los demás y hacen algo diferente a lo dijeron que harían y con eso solo se condenan al fracaso.

Un ser humano tiene el deber y el derecho de cuidar su imagen personal y profesional, eres lo que dices ante lo demás, eres lo que cumples, lo que haces frente a lo acordado.

Para obtener herramientas para lograrlo lee más en:

Sígueme para construir ese negocio que alcance para el estilo de vida que puedes tener.

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