White melith flowers and benefits.

Friends steemit afternoon afternoon on this day I want to convey to the jungle and the benefits of white jasmine,


Benefits and benefits of jasmine white flowers, and this is very amazing for the health of the body. Jasmine flowers so far known to many people as ornamental plants that beautify the home page. The clean white color is pleasant and soothing to the eye. Plus a distinctive smell of the oil content of atsirinya, can make the nerves tense nerves due to routines that have been done all day. In addition to those already mentioned, there is still a stack of efficacy and benefits of jasmine white flowers for our bodies.



Here I samapai some benefits and efficacy of white jasmine for health for you:

Relieve asthma

Asthma is usually a hereditary disease, but can also be caused by unhealthy life habits. Asthma usually recurs if the sufferer is exhausted, exposed to street dust, inhaling the smoke of motor vehicles that have passed the normal threshold and others. You can relieve the severity of the asthma disease through the efficacy of white jasmine flowers. But for asthma, the most potent plant is the leaves. Take some leaves of this flower leaves and boiled in water about 1 or 2 cups and drink boiled water should be drinking tea.

Lowering fever

Further advantage of jasmine white flowers is to reduce fever. Fever often attacks mainly in infants. If this happens when at home you happen to not be available paracetamol and it is available is a white jasmine plant, then immediately take the leaves and flowers of the plant then knead and soak in warm water. Compress this herb on the baby who is suffering from fever until the fever down.

This is what I can say about kasiat flowers and jasmine leaves and very many other kasiat when we see on google and I do not take it in fear of plagiarism. So that I can convey hopefully useful thank you.

Thanks You From @jidarr

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