peasant enemy until the end of time both small and big farmers.

image imageWalang sangit is one of the animals belonging to the order hemiptera with alydidae family which includes insects into the type of pest or poison that can cause the plant to die and even the growth is inhibited. Walang sangit is usually commonly found in rice plants, this damn sage is damaging on the leaf, and will be the fruit of the rice plant until the harvest fails. Walang sangit also has a different name according to certain areas such as aceh .. In addition, this pest has also issued a stinging smell to protect itself from attacks of various threats. Based on the research and observation of the classification and morphology of this pest can be determined by taxonomy .... Walang sangit this elongated shape with an average size of 2 cm, brownish, and has a trunk that serves to suck plants. Walang sangit this suck the flower stalks, and also the fruit juices that are still in the form of will fruit so that will cause this plant akang lack of nutrients and also yellowing and even lead to death in plants attacked.. image imagealready familiar if we hear the problem of pests. So far, pests are still the most frightening specter for farmers, especially rice farmers. Walang sangit is an insect pest of cultivated plants. Walang sangit has latin ie Leptcorisa Oratorius, this pest more than 80% attacked all types of plants. However, from a series of plants that dipangsanya plant diilah most preferred. image imageyes it is true because the smell is very stinging and it is typical of this insect is called the pekit sangit.Bau sting it is a powerful weapon to protect themselves from enemy or predator interference... This is what often causes the grain to become empty or gabug, with grain paddy grain will greatly affect the harvest. In general, rice plants attacked by pests of pineapple will produce rice with low quality, the resulting rice will change color will even whitewashed and crushed.walang attacking rice plants is to suck fluid on the flower stalk, as well as the grain of rice in the filling phase of the grain and on phase pamasakan grain, so the filling on the grain pads can not run optimally.

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