
Lizards are scaly-legged animals belonging to the reptile group. Widely, the notion of lizards or lizard relatives (English: lizards) also includes groups of lizards, geckos, chameleons, flying lizards, monitor lizards, iguanas and others. While narrowly, the term lizard in the Indonesian language usually refers to a group of lizards are generally small, scaly shiny, and live on the ground. In general, these lizards include small species such as Lygosoma sand lizards, to Komodo dragons (Varanus komodoensis) that can reach a length of more than 3 m. Scientifically, this large group is known as the suborder or child of the Lacertile nation (= Sauria), part of the scaly animal kingdom (Squamata). Lacertile children generally have four legs, outer ear holes, and eyelids that can be opened close. However, as an exception, there are also members who do not possess some of these characteristics.

Then the characters mentioned above, as usual reptiles, cold-blooded lizards (that is why lizards often sunbathe) and have scales of various shapes that are awakened from horn substances. Consisting no less than 40 tribes, lizards have patterns of colors, shapes and sizes are very diverse. Some species have fine-grained scales that look slippery or greasy, although they are very dry because lizards do not have pores on their skin to remove sweat or oil on their bodies.



In biology lessons say every animal that has their ears will give birth, and if the animal is not the earlobe it will lay eggs. Another case with lizards, most lizards lay eggs (ovipar), although some are giving birth (vivipar). Also, generally the lizard can regrow the tail or even a broken leg. Some species of legless lizards, such as glass snakes, for example, have shoulder and pelvic floor structures on their bodies, although there are no legs. Although similar in shape, these lizards can be distinguished from true snakes because they have movable eye movements, outer ear canal, and can break the tail in a dangerous state; features that snakes do not have. Many types of lizards are good tree climbers or fast runners. Some of them can even walk on two legs very quickly, just like the world's fastest lizards: the spiny iguana of the Ctenosaura clan. Certain lizards, such as chameleons, may change color according to environmental or mood conditions. Although most live on land, generally lizards can swim well. Some species, such as monitor lizards, even adapt well in the aquatic environment or in many prey marshes.

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