Oils For Use To Massage For Varicose Veins

Most people especially women are prone to varicose veins. Those who stand a lot like nurses, waitresses and salesgirls. Being a nurse I also had problems with cramps even upmto now.

A few weeks ago I saw my niece mention that she made a mixture of oils for her mom whomhad very severe varicose veins and had a hard time walking. They were not expecting for ith to disappear but at least lessen the pain. It worked well for her mom so I asked her to make me some. I also had one made for my daughter because she works in the hospital and stands a lot.

It is small and Roller type which is good so there won’t be any spillage. She makes it herself sort of a sideline. She researches the oils needed and orders them. They are imported so a few drops are good. The base oil is grapeseed and she puts a few drops of peppermint, lavender and cypress. She also sent me reading material about the oils.

I tried it on my foot and leg because it was aching and in pain. I had some cramps the day before. So after massaging I noticed the pain lessened and I could move the foot easier. I massaged it for 3 consecutive nights and it really improved the calves, leg and my foot.


It smells nice and the oils seem to absorb well, does not feelmoily. For only 200 pesos, it is worth it.


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