

Everyone must know the island, the island is a patch of land or plains of smaller size than large and wide continents and larger than the coral, which is surrounded by water. A collection of islands is called a particular archipelago.

Experts hinted to be an island there are certain conditions, among others,

  1. Own land area

  2. Realized naturally, not reclamation or man-made land

  3. Surrounded by water, both salt water (sea) and fresh

  4. Often above the high tide line.

In Indonesia there are various forms and many so that Indonesia is called an archipelagic country, thus Indonesia is a country consisting of many islands, both large island islands and small islands. Of the many islands in Indonesia, there are 5 major islands namely Papua Island, Kalimantan Island, Sumatra Island, Sulawesi Island, and Java Island contained in Indonesia.

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