Budidaya udang panamee di air payau

a terrestrial fishery for the time being encouraged by aceh indonesian community is shrimp panamee This type of brackish water shrimp does have considerable potential, so it can produce multiple benefits. as evidenced by the demand of this panamee shrimp received a welcome both domestically and from abroad is increasing. shrimp panamee is one of the brackish water commodities that is good enough for the economy masadepannya because in addition to higher selling prices than other freshwater fish can also be marketed to the needs of friendly countries both home and abroad, this can be known by the presencegreater demand from neighboring countries in exports to countries such as Japan and some countries in Europe .thus this panamee shrimp has economic value and high income to gain profit if developed. Panamee shrimp farms can be done in ponds or land ponds. currently panamee shrimp enlargement activities have expanded to various regions, including Aceh, East Java and Bali. to support the success of the activities / cultivation business hence required technology and human resources are optimal and in accordance with the needs and scale of business owned by pembudidaya.adapunTahapan start shrimp farming panamee is the following .



  1. place or location
    place or cultivation container must meet the requirements among others;
    flood-free areas and pollution, sandy clay type, ponds made at an altitude of 0-500 meters dpl.diusahakan place must be close to the source of water, pollution-free, water circulation should be good, pollution-free, pollution-free.

  2. materials and tools
    As in pond cultivation in general, commonly used equipment, among others;
    frying tools, jars, buckets, and the like needed for the management of fries.

  3. water should be clean
    Good water circulation plays an important role in the implementation of panamee shrimp enlargement. Should water in the pond should flow and better installed a pinwheel to wiggle water. for manual maintenance ponds can be overcome by replacing 30-50% water with new water. C, with pH 6.5-8.5. Oxygen The optimum temperature required is 28-30 minimum dissolved is 4 ppm, required also Ca at least 52 ppm and salinity 0-5 ppt.

  4. Pest Control
    pests and diseases can be done by examination conducted daily checking against pest organisms both predators and competitors .pests that often interfere with the pond maintenance is the wild fish that enter accidentally like fish cork, catfish and others. to prevent the entry of pests of predators need to be made the filter on the entrance of the entrance and discharge of the pond water is a very fine mesh made of mesh with mesh size 0.2 mm.Dalam process of enlargement required medical examination performed as follows:
    1 .sampling for panamee shrimp health testing was done randomly with the amount of shrimp in accordance with the need for visual or microscopic observation.

  5. Visual observation done for examination of symptoms of disease and perfection of shrimp morphology panamee.
    3 .microscopic observations were performed for examination of pathogenic organisms (parasites, fungi, viruses and bacteria) in laboratoriesdisease that often attack is mossy shrimp caused by water depth in pond less adequate with poor circulation, to overcome problem with water circulation can be mounted windmill.

  6. harvest time
    paname shrimp can be harvested after 3 months to 4 months, or even more, according to the size of the shrimp required by the consumer. Usually panamee shrimp can go on sale after reaching the size of 60-30 grams / head, but the greater the size of the shrimp is also more expensiveso some practical practical cultivation of shrimp panamee stages of shrimp panee cultivation, as well as an overview of the advantages of shrimp cultivation panamee Hope can be a little useful. please be favored so that authors do not get bored, thank you .

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