Limerick Series: Kuro's Epic Adventure (17)

Heya, fellow steemians and otakus! It's me again @yuki-nee for the sevententh installment of my Limerick Series! Yes. Sevententh! The last installment had an interesting development but forbode something exciting desu~ Of course I won't be spoiling for everyone. Okay, enough from me, it's time for the next installment of "Kuro's Epic Adventure". Enjoy desu~

Here is what to expect:

Every time I finished an installment, that installment would then be included in the next article. This is so that the readers would not need to backtrack to the previous post. Thus avoiding lost of immersion when reading the story. It also means that my post will become longer as time goes on. At the end, this article will end up with a thousand word or more!

The Plot

The story revolves around a naughty black cat named Kuro (black). It tells of her (yes, Kuro's a girl!) misadventure in the town of Mokuro.



Title: Kuro's Epic Adventure


Part (1)

In the peaceful town of Mokuro,

Lived a naughty black cat named Kuro.

One day Kuro saw a mouse,

It ran out of the house!

And was chased by the excited Kuro...


Part (2)

After kuro went out of the house,

She lost sight of the little mouse.

Kuro was disappointed

And felt a bit disjointed.

This is her first time outside the house...


Part (3)

Kuro walked and looked around the town,

Truts carefully with a face that frown.

A car then speed by,

Scaring her with a hi!

Kuro gasped like she had just drowned...


Part (4)

Kuro was scared and so she run

Into an alley and hides from the sun.

"So dangerous!" she thought.

Gone was the mouse she sought,

But then she thought of something fun!


Part (5)

Kuro came out and back to town again.

As she carefully walks on the lane,

She saw a car parking

And a big dog barking.

An old man then came out with a cane...


Part (6)

The dog growl at the oldman but stop,

It was afraid to be hit with a pop.

Then the car door opened,

The man then gets a movin'.

Kuro saw this and an idea popped!


Part (7)

Kuro slowly walk towards the car,

But the big dog saw her from afar.

It barks loudly at her,

Yet Kuro just shook her fur.

She grinned and starts scratching the car!


Part (8)

Kuro was grinning as she scratches.

While the dog is helpless as it watches,

But then an alarm went off.

Kuro was shock then run off.

She left the car with scratch and patches...


Part (9)

While Kuro was running away with glee,

A man quickly came out to see.

Only to see scratches

And even some patches,

All over his car, making the man grieve.


Part (10)

"Noooo!!!" the man screamed clutching his head.

Kuro heard the scream but took no heed.

As she waltz happily,

Her tummy growls angrily.

"So hungry, nya!" the hungry Kuro said.


Part (11)

Kuro felt weak and slump on the floor,

She then heard someone open the door.

Looking at the side weakly,

A girl looks at her meekly.

She then picked up poor Kuro off the floor.


Part (12)

Inside the house the shy girl was busy,

While Kuro is feeling very dizzy.

The girl is finally back,

She's carrying some snacks.

Kuro then ate without being fuzzy.


Part (13)

Kuro ate all the snacks in a flash,

She then lay down the sofa with a crash.

Laying there unstirred,

Soon a soft snore is heard.

Kuro sleeps completely unabashed.


Part (14)

The shy girl watches as Kuro sleep,

She smiles with a blush on her cheeks.

An hour quickly passed,

Kuro wakes up at last.

But also wakes the girl from her sleep...


Part (15)

Kuro looked at the girl who just woke up.

She jump on her lap and meow a 'wazzup.

The girl was a startled,

Then her eyes sparkled.

She then hug and gives Kuro a yup.


Part (16)

Kuro struggle from bring hug tightly.

Her face turned a little unsightly,

And her soul a bit cloudy,

Almost leaving her body.

Suddenly the girl put her down kindly.


Part (17)

Kuro was relieved and issue a phew!

Her nine lives are reduced to a few.

Suddenly there was a knock.

Looking outside she was shocked.

The man with THAT car was in view!




The story so far...

In a peaceful town called Mokuro lived a naughty black cat named Kuro.

One day, Kuro saw a little mouse inside the house. Kuro's curiosity and natural instinct kicks in, and chase after the poor mouse. In an attempt to escape, the mouse ran out of the house! Seeing her little prey escapes, Kuro chase after it outside...

Outside the house, Kuro lost sight of the little mouse and was disappointed. After a while, Kuro realized that she actually went out of the house for the first time in her life! Knowing this, Kuro was a little disjointed and afraid.

While in town, Kuro was seen walking and looking at her surrounding. She saw how big the outside world is and frown as there are things she is unfamiliar with. Suddenly, a car speed by her, startling our poor little Kuro out of her wits! Making her gasped for air like a drowning victim.

Terrified, Kuro run into an alley and hides. While hiding she thought of how dangerous the outside is and how the little mouse she's been chasing had disappeared. Kuro was feeling a bit down when she suddenly thought of doing something fun...

After thinking of such, Kuro then went out of the alley. As she was afraid of being surprised again, she carefully walks on the lane. She then saw a familiar car parking at a nearby house. She also saw a big dog barking at the car. Suddenly, an old man came out of the house with a cane on his hand.

The big dog growls at the oldman but stopped when it was threatened with the cane. Seeing the dog stops barking the man inside the car came out and walks toward the oldman. Meanwhile, Kuro was watching this all happened. She remembers that it was the car that startled her earlier. Suddenly, an idea pops up on her mind. She looked at the car and grinned.

Kuro slowly walks towards the car. The big dog saw her and barks loudly. But because the big dog is on leash, it can't do anything to Kuro. Knowing this, Kuro just looked at the dog and shook her fur, as if teasing it. Then, without any warning she raised both of her front paw and starts scratching at the car, similar to what cats do on a scratching pole!

Kuro was feeling gleeful as she scratches the car. The big dog on the otherhand could only watch helplessly. Suddenly, the car's alarm went off, scaring our naughty Kuro running, leaving the poor car full of scratches.

As Kuro run, a man quickly came out of the house to see why his car alarm goes off. When he saw his favorite car with scratches all over, he was greatly agrieved, not knowing how and why it happened...

Clutching his head the man screamed like someone important died. Kuro heard the scream despite the distance but ignored it completely. As she joyfully waltz around, she heard her stomach grumbling. She was very hungry.

Kuro suddenly felt weak and slump on the floor. As she was slumping helplessly, she heard a door opened. Looking sideway, she saw a little girl looking at her meekly, obviously shy. Then she walks towards our little Kuro and picked her up off the floor.

Inside the house the shy little girl was busy scurrying the kitchen looking for food. Meanwhile, our poor Kuro just slumps on the sofa feeling very dizzy from hunger. Soon the little girl came out of the kitchen carrying a plate of snacks. Kuro, without being fuzzy ate voraciously.

In a flash Kuro ate the plate empty. With a satisfied burp, Kuro lay at the soft sofa happily. Before long a soft snore is heard as Kuro fall asleep. Sleeping at someone else's sofa unabashed.

The little girl watches as Kuro sleep. Her cheeks blushes because of how adorable Kuro is. Soon the girl too fell asleep besides Kuro. An hour later Kuro wakes up, and like other cats, she stretches her body and limbs. But this action wakes the little girl sleeping by her side...

Kuro watches the little girl who just woke up with curiousity. She then jumped on her lap and meow as if greeting her. The little girl was a bit startled at first but then her eyes sparkled in delight. She lift up Kuro and gave her a hug and simple "yup" as a response.

The little girl hugged Kuro so tightly that she almost suffocate. Face turning purple, she almost saw her soul leaving her body, waving at her. When she thought she's gonna die, the little girl suddenly let go...

After being released from that killer hug, Kuro felt relieved. She really thought she's going to suffocate—even losing a few of her lives in that ordeal. As Kuro was contemplating, a knock was heard. She then took a peek through the window, only to see the man whose car she scratched as revenge!


Image source: 1 & 2




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