
Hello best friends!!!

There are so many types of butterflies in this world, some people say there are hundreds of types of butterflies that exist in the natural world. Every country in the world naturally has a different butterfly species both in physical form and color on its wings. Butterflies found in this world come with various characteristics possessed by each species.

Among the many beautiful butterflies and give a beautiful charm, it turns out some people ignore one type of butterfly that is often far from their own flock. Indeed, these butterflies are not attractive when witnessed by humans because they are very small, it is rarely seen by people because the color is not attractive anyways the body is very small. So it often escapes the spotlight of the photographer's camera.

Residents here give their names as Rama-rama, it is also still grouped in species of butterflies, but there are many differences when viewed from the characteristics of each but the physical shape of the body and color are almost similar.

This Rama-rama species is always alone or can be said to always be alone from their flock, it always looks for the lowest place, in general it is always perched on the leaves of thatch that grows together with other vines. Sometimes he also flies, but they are not as skilled as butterflies in general in making a flight so he is very often silent in the leaves mentioned earlier.

Rama's or can be said as a small butterfly has several species with different background colors, in general there are 3 species known for their wing colors such as brown, white, and pink. He rarely flies like butterflies in general, it only flies over a short distance of about 1 meter and that too if they see something suspicious or other insects approaching it.

This insect species is less active in its life unlike other butterflies that fly to and fro in sucking the nectar on the flowers of their choice. Its activity is rarely known whether during the day or at night.

Thus a little description of this insect species, hopefully useful. Thank you.

LocationMedan, Indonesia
CameraVivo type 215
Source of knowledgeObservation result
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