What Summer Means to Me


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Summertime, semi-officially, begins for my wife @dianarpo and I around Memorial Day. During this long weekend, we say goodbye to the Sunshine State, Florida, pack our stuff in a car and drive up to Washington DC.

Florida is enviably warm, all year around, but unbearable in the summer. However, it's more pleasant in DC, where we keep a summer garden and enjoy the company of my wife's family.

The drive from FL to DC is around 16 hours, and we try to break it up by spending the night with a friend along the way. Here's a typical view from our road trip:

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Growing up in Egypt, somewhat deprived of greenery, I still marvel at the design, variety and abundance of trees in the USA, despite living here for 12 years, now.

One of the undisputed highlights for me of spending the summer in DC is getting to hang out with my nieces and nephews—I have 15 of them (ages six months-12 years old) so they're quite a welcoming committee:


Parties are a frequent occurrence:

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Also, as I've previously shared on this platform, I have feathered and furry family members of my family that I look forward to spending quality time with. Below, are our peacocks trying to intimidate our semi-wild cat, by bullying her out of a sunbathing spot:


There's always wild adventures, too, such as when this snake showed up in our garage:


And what are the splendors of summer without flowers? To keep me honest, I help out with the garden work:

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I hope you've enjoyed this peek into our summertime activities, and that you enjoy yours, around the bend :)

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