Two Icons Shared The Ring On WWE SmackDown Live !!

Two Icons Shared The Ring On WWE SmackDown Live !!


This was the biggest joke ever. How do people think that becky is such a good wrestler? And her acting is terrible. And John cena needs to retire. Whenever becky is in the ring she just seems scrambled like uhhh uhhh what do I do?! Lol I don't get why wwe is trying to push her so much. Christina Martin becky is the best thing going for the E right now, started watching in 94’ and this is the best thing going in a very long time , needs some work yes, but what shes doing on an off tv playing the man role is great work. In my.opinion they are making her look stupid I kinda feel bad for her. She's just not convincing at all in my opinion. When I watch wwe I want to believe the story line I want it to feel real and I just don't feel that with her. Christina Martin agree to disagree makes us fans so great! The product wwe thinks we all will like is far from it right now. Becky Lynch is one of like 4 women in the company that can actually wrestle. That’s not going to happen WWE needs cena there ratings are dying. There's a lot of talented females that are in wwe that should be on the maine roster and should have more tv time like dana brooke but I don't think I have one but if I had to choose MIGHT be naomi. She's acrobatic af and she really is a good wrester. Thank you! Someone needed to say it. These Becky fans are so annoying and just seemed like they all crawled out of a cave jumping on the bandwagon. Can't wait till this push fizzles out. The other superstars in the women's division have credited her with helping them in the ring. She puts endless work in. You don't like her that fine, opinions are what they are. But to state that she is terrible or what not that's just nonsense. And the WWE didnt wanna push her in case you missed the last year or so. But she rose to the top. But haters gonn hate. John Cena needs to cut his hair and I don't think he will retire yet. They need him for a little longer when they can replace him with the new face of WWE.

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