Some tips from aisyah Ra

In the time of Rasulullah, this vegetable has been used as one of the ingredients for health. Usually, it is combined with fresh dates to maintain health. In a Hadith it is mentioned that the Messenger of Allaah (may peace be upon him) used to do so. From 'A'ishah that, "Rasulullah often eats cucumbers mixed with wet dates." (Tirmidhi's History)

In addition to maintaining health, a combination of both also to increase body weight and change the body of the original thin skin become more contained. In a narrated account that Aisha Radhiyallahu 'anha when about to meet with the Prophet, routinely consume cucumbers and wet dates to get the ideal body. Understandably, when it was small and thin body.

Aisha said, "My mother treated me so that I looked fat, when she was about to meet me with the Messenger of Allah, and the effort did not work so I ate the cucumber with the wet dates. Then I became fat with the ideal shape. "(History of Ibn Majah)

In addition, consuming dates and cucumbers can increase the size of breasts for women.

In the science of Islamic medicine, vegetables that have the scientific name cucumis sativus is known by the name qitsa 'or khiyar. Allah calls this vegetable in Surat al-Baqarah [2]: 61.

وإذ قلتم يا موسى لن نصبر على طعام واحد فادع لنا الأرض من بقلها
"And (remember), when ye say: O Moses, we can not be patient with a single food. Therefore ask for us to your Lord, that He may bring forth for us from what the earth grows, that is the vegetables, the cucumbers, the garlic, the fennel and the onion "
The results of modern research mentions that


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