Why do we often not appreciate what's around and available?

** How many times have I asked myself such a question. All life conscious. But what's the point? Does that change in my behavior? All the same - I do not pay attention to the ordinary, or I pay less attention to it, find it reasonable, do not consider it important. And then after a time when it becomes inaccessible, then I regret, repent, I seek an opportunity to fix something, I realize its worth. One hundred times I've seen before keeping time in a different way. **

Just like some 14 years ago, I used to visit villages and see horses. I then did not notice them. You think, the horse, apparently, so in my mind. I see them almost every day. And when she and her husband saw a horse all of a sudden, almost at the same time both said with admiration:

Look, weeding horses.

As we approached the horse it grabbed our attention. Maybe get used to seeing it every day, no, as I did before, have the same interests.

But then he got tired of our imports, and he started getting nervous.

I am writing about horses as an example.

And now a strange transition from my mind to the value of people. I care about my attitude toward people close to me. As they leave life, you suddenly realize that you can give more attention, say good words, rejoice in their success.
Although I am always happy about the success of my family, but I do not always tell them about it. It seems, of course. But we have to say this out loud, they will be very happy to hear this. But I always understand this very late.
I have an amazing boyfriend from a long time. Even if I tighten, I can not remember at least one unpleasant moment associated with his actions, behaviors that will disappoint me, make me angry. That's not a second. But after all, he had a difficult childhood, his early parents died. My mother's sister was spoiled then to whom to take her.While barely having the right to take this child himself an elderly relative. And raise a decent person. How many people are Masha assisted at no cost, never indifferent. And I still do not emphasize the quality, I do not say thank you just for no reason. Just for my birthday. But on that date everyone just said good words. Although I tell others about it, I am proud of such a person. But I do not talk about it myself.Yes, and my daughter, I will make a quicker statement,I called my post "Why do we often not appreciate what is near and available?". And maybe the question is not formulated correctly. People and horses are living things, or rather, "those who are close". But even the natural wonder, which he gives us, is not always noticed, we realize its value.

I ask questions on behalf of many people, but maybe I'm the only one like this - I understand, I understand, but I do not do things in time or I'm late with them when nothing can be fixed.

What is the relationship between horses and normal people will say, after reading my mind. Yes, it inspires - I remember about the horse, and about that beautiful person, and about my dearest relatives and acquaintances, and about the moments in that life, whose significance is appreciated too late.

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