Know Your worth


A young boy named Efe was once asked by his father to go and sell his wrist watch which was passed to him by his father who inherited it from his grandfather, the wristwatch was about 200years old but the task he gave his son was to go and enquire how much the watch is worth before selling it.

Efe went to a jewelry shop to enquire how much the watch was worth but the jeweller offered him only $100 for the watch saying it was old.

Efe went out the next day to a pawn shop to enquire how much the watch was worth but the shop owner only offered him $150 saying the watch doesnt work properly amd he will need to fix it before he can sell it.

Efe went back to his father to give him a feedback on how much the wrist watch was worth saying its maximum worth was $150 But when he told his father this, his father told him to take the watch to a musuem but Efe was confused and scared because the museum was very big and far and he doubts anybody will pay attention to a boy with an old damaged wrist watch.

When he got to the museum, he was opportuned to meet the curator and immediately the curator saw the watch with him, he quickly tool Efe to his office to take a proper look at the wristwatch. It turned out that the wristwatch was about 300years old and he offered Efe $2million for the wristwatch since it was part of an antique collection the museum has been searching for a long time.

Efe went back to tell his Dad how much the musuem offered for the wrist watch and his dad smiled to him and said "just like the pawn and jewelry shop offered less for the wrist watch because they didnt know its value, we sometimes allow ourself to be worth less than we deserve because we go to enquire about our value from the wrong places and they make us feel we are worth less but if we go to the right place then we would know our actual worth is way more than we even imagined,Know your worth.

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