Motivation Stave Jobs

In 1976, with his colleague Steve Wozniak, 21-year-old Jobs began to set up Apple Computer.Co in his family's garage. laboriously collecting the capital gained by selling their most valuable goods, the business began, their first computer, the Apple 1 they managed to sell as many as 50 units to a local store, within a few years, their efforts developed quite rapidly so that in 1983 , Jobs picked up John Sculley from Pepsi Cola to lead the company, and so far, Apple Computer reaped success and increasingly plunged its influence in the computer industry especially with the launch of the Macintosh, but in 1985, after the conflict with Sculley, the company decided to lay off their founders, namely Steve Jobs himself.

After selling his shares, Jobs who experienced tremendous sadness spent much time with cycling and travel to Europe. however, shortly afterwards, the dismissal apparently brought a new spirit to him. he also started a new business that is NeXT computer company and Pixar animation company. NeXT is actually very advanced in terms of technology.

it does not bring good results commercially. however, Pixar is another success story thanks to its cold hands.

Sepeninggal Jobs and the increasingly strong dominance of IBM and Microsoft make Apple less competitive and almost slumped. then, in 1997, Jobs was recalled to fill a temporary leadership position. by applying the technology designed at NeXT, this time Apple back up with various technologically advanced products like MacOS X, IMac and one of the phenomenal iPod. Steve Jobs success story teaches us that there is no instant success. rejection and failure often color the journey of our lives, but do not let all that stop us.

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