Harvest is Plentiful of Starfruit Cultivation

Carambola is a fruit tree in the form of trees originating from Malaysia, then spread to various other tropical countries in the world including Indonesia. In general, starfruit is grown in the form of yard gardening (home yard gardening), which is cultivated as a sideline business as a shade plant in the yard of the house. In the United States, star fruit is known by the name of "star fruits", and the popular and popular type of star fruit is starfruit "Florida".

Plant Benefits

The main benefits of this plant as eating fresh fruit or processed fruit foods or traditional medicines. Other benefits as a stabilizer & environmental maintenance, among others, can absorb toxic emissions of motor vehicles, etc., filter dust, dampen the vibration of the sound, and maintain the environment from pollution due to various human activities. As an educational vehicle, planting starfruit in the yard is inseparable from the government program in the effort of the movement to plant a million trees.

Seed Preparation

Preparation of superior seed starfruit is done by vegetative breeding (grafting, grafting, susuan and enten). Particularly in vegetative propagation by grafting (grafting, entraining, feeding) is needed rootstock or onderstam seeds derived from seeds (generative breeding).

The procedure of preparing the rootstock for the preparation of seed (seed) starfruit as follows:

  • a) Select the starfruit that has been ripe and the situation is healthy and comes from national or local superior varieties.

  • b) Take (remove) the seeds from the fruit by splitting them, then accommodating them in a container.

  • c) Wash starfruit seeds with clean water until free of mucus.

  • d) Dry starfruit seeds in the shade and dry until the water content ranges between 12-14%.

  • e) Keep starfruit seeds in a sealed and colored container, or directly sow in the nursery.

How to Planting

Holes that have been prepared for planting as above, after being given indirect fertilizer planted, but left for 1 week after that new planted. When the seedlings planted clone B17, then when planted in the field should be combined / diseling with seeds of clones B2. How, among the 8 plants B17 in the middle planted B2. This combination is intended to help pollination, because according to an expert, allegedly starfine clone B17 is male sterile, so need help pollen clone B2 in pollination.

Time to Harvest Belimbing

Characteristics and Harvest Age

Age of harvest (picking) star fruit is very influenced by the geography of planting, the environmental and climate factors. In the lowland wet climate type, the age of picking star fruit about 35-60 days after the wrapping of fruit or 65-90 days after the flower bloom.

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