Let's learn from creatures

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, congratulations good afternoon steemian wherever you are, hopefully everyone is in good health.


All living things have their own functions and uses that have been created by Allah SWT, this time I share a little knowledge for all the workers about the life of spiders which are many important lessons that we can learn about the behavior of spiders.
Spiders give life experiences that we have to face bitterly in this life with strong determination and never give up.


Never give up, if we are trying to reach a dream. People who fail are people who always look for reasons for failure. People who fail are people who stop trying. Conversely, people who succeed are people who are always looking for ways to fail. People who succeed are people who always get up every time they fail.


Life is indeed hard, but that does not mean having to give up without trying another way. Let the success found in others be a whip for us to rise again.

Life is full of challenges and don't give up before competing, extraordinary enthusiasm, be patient waiting for success, skilled in sharing, doing everything you can, praying in humility, giving thanks in simplicity all we have to live.


Pidie Jaya, 01 Maret 2019

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