Kuala Beach is so awesome

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, congratulations good night steemian wherever you are, hopefully everyone is in good health.


The name of the place is Kuala Leupung Beach, the newest beach tourism destination in Aceh Besar, Indonesia District. the beach which offers some charm of natural beauty besides the colorful ornaments add a romantic impression around the coast of Kuala.

almost all of the places here are photo-taking places, ticketed in. I had time to read the entire property on the beach of Kuala, free to take photos so it's no wonder that almost everyone there makes photo objects other than shelter.

Here are some photos that I have captured and want to share with all friends:





Life is full of challenges and don't give up before competing, extraordinary enthusiasm, be patient waiting for success, skilled in sharing, doing everything you can, praying in humility, giving thanks in simplicity all we have to live.


Pidie Jaya, 23 Februari 2019

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