Setiap perbuatan baik adalah Amal.(Avery good deed is charity ) || Bilingual

Jika engkau melihat seekor semut terpeleset dan jatuh di air,Maka angkat dan tolonglah,Barangkali itu menjadi penyebab ampunan bagimu di akherat.

Jika engkau menjumpai batu kecil di jalan yang bisa menggangu jalannya kaum muslimin,Maka singkirkanlah.Barangkali itu menjadi penyebab dimudahkannya jalanmu menuju syurga.

Jika engkau menjumpai anak ayam terpisah dari induknya, maka ambil dan susulkan ia dengan induknya, Semoga itu menjadi penyebab Allah mengumpulkan dirimu dan keluargamu di surga.

Jika engkau melihat orang tua membutuhkan tumpangan, maka antarkanlah dia. Barangkali itu mejadi sebab kelapangan rezekimu di dunia.

Jika engkau bukanlah seorang yang mengusai banyak ilmu agama, Maka ajarkanlah alif ba' ta' kepada anak2 mu,Setidaknya itu menjadi amal jariyah untukmu,Yang tak akan terputus pahalanya meski engkau berada di alam kuburmu.

Jika engkau tidak bisa berbuat kebaikan sama sekali,
Maka tahanlah tangan dan lesanmu dari menyakiti sesama makhluk hidup. Setidaknya itu akan menjadi sedekah untuk dirimu.
Al-Imam Ibnul Mubarak Rahimahullah berkata:

رُبَّ عَمَلٍ صَغِيرٍ تُعَظِّمُهُ النِّيَّةُ ، وَرُبَّ عَمَلٍ كَبِيرٍ تُصَغِّرُهُ النِّيَّةُ

“Berapa banyak amalan kecil, akan tetapi menjadi besar karena niat pelakunya.
Dan berapa banyak amalan besar, menjadi kecil karena niat pelakunya”
Jangan pernah meremehkan kebaikan, Bisa jadi seseorang itu masuk surga bukan karena puasa sunnahnya.
Bukan karena panjang shalat malamnya.Tapi bisa jadi karena akhlak baiknya dan sabarnya ia ketika musibah datang melanda.

Rasulullah bersabda:

« لاَ تَحْقِرَنَّ مِنَ الْمَعْرُوفِ شَيْئًا وَلَوْ أَنْ تَلْقَى أَخَاكَ بِوَجْهٍ طَلْقٍ ».

“Jangan sekali-kali kamu meremehkan kebaikan sedikitpun, meskipun (hanya)bertemu dengan saudaramu dalam keadaan tersenyum".(HR. Muslim)

Mari kita selalu berusaha dengan Pikiran dan prilaku positif,Semangat meraih hasil terbaik serta saling mendoakan akan keberkahan.

(In inggris)

If you see an ant slipping and falling in the water, then lift it up and help it, it may be a cause of forgiveness for you in the akherat.

If you find a small stone on the road that can interfere with the way of the Muslims, then get rid of it. Perhaps that causes the ease of your way to heaven.

If you find a chick apart from its mother, then grab and assume it with its mother, May it be the cause of God gathering you and your family in heaven.

If you see a parent needing a ride, then take him. Perhaps it is because of the spaciousness of your provision in the world.

If you are not a person who teaches a lot of religious knowledge, then teach alif ba 'ta' to your children, At least it becomes charity jariyah for you, Who will not cut off the reward even though you are in the grave of your grave.

If you see an ant slipping and falling in the water, then lift it up and help it, it may be a cause of forgiveness for you in the akherat.

If you find a small stone on the road that can interfere with the way of the Muslims, then get rid of it. Perhaps that causes the ease of your way to heaven.

If you find a chick apart from its mother, then grab and assume it with its mother, May it be the cause of God gathering you and your family in heaven.

If you see a parent needing a ride, then take him. Perhaps it is because of the spaciousness of your provision in the world.

If you are not a person who teaches a lot of religious knowledge, then teach alif ba 'ta' to your children, At least it becomes charity jariyah for you, Who will not cut off the reward even though you are in the grave of your grave.

If you can not do any good at all,
So hold your hand and your hand from harm to fellow beings. At least it will be alms for you.
Al-Imam Ibnul Mubarak Rahimahullah said:

رب عمل صغير تعظمه النية, ورب عمل كبير تصغره النية

"How many practices are small, but they become big because of the intention of the perpetrators.
And how many great practices, become small because the intent of the perpetrators "
Never underestimate goodness, It could be that someone entered heaven not because of fasting sunnahnya.
Not because of the length of the night prayer. But it could be because of good morals and patience he when disaster came to hit.

The Messenger of Allah said:

«لا تحقرن من المعروف شيئا ولو أن تلقى أخاك بوجه طلق».

"Do not underestimate your goodness even though (only) meet with your brother in a smile". (Muslim)

Let us always try with Mind and positive behavior, Spirit to achieve the best results and pray for blessing each other.

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