Pass by and sleep peacefully?

Unfortunately, not the first, and not even the second time I hear from people that it is absolutely impossible to “lure” street animals nearby, if they live at home, because there is a risk of “getting legs” sores and infecting their pets ... In principle Yes, there is a risk, but will it be possible to sleep peacefully, if you have previously passed by a hungry freak fighting with fear: come closer, feed, or still run away?


It is easier to survive at home. Vaccinations, good food, care, attention, veterinarians if that. We will break through with our cats, if that. But to pass by and not help at least with food for those who are ready to overcome even their fear from hunger ... this is worse than the rest.


For me, all the same is indicative of man and his attitude towards animals. Yes, we love our pets and consider them members of our family, but you cannot pass by (or, even worse, drive away) those whom you, unfortunately, cannot take away, but you can just help with food, THIS is for me indicator of "low quality" of a person. I'm talking about inner qualities ...

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