Do not feel this article dormant for about two weeks. Somehow lazy to continue it


As a big fan, kang Iyay does not want to waste the opportunity to photograph with his idol, Sule (either mang Saswi?). Unfortunately the idol came late. * Understandably busy running airs..


From his expression really obvious already. FORGET BAWA AMPLOP! Though eating nambah. 🙁


Do not feel this article dormant for about two weeks. Somehow lazy to continue it. The intention of this article will continue to be updated with the marriage of 13 other children. But sometime will update. For now all that. Thank you for wasting your precious time reading through to the end. The point is just to say Happy Taking a New Life, tea Devi and husband. Hopefully blessings, sakinah. mawaddah wa rahmah.

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