Every day 14300 billion words are transcribed in google

Many of us find refuge in Google. If you do not know the meaning or pronunciation of a word or you want to know the same word in another language, then Marie Gogle Transllet How many words around the world are searched in Google Translate, it is astonishing to hear. Because in every hour, more than 595 million words are searched by Google translator. And Google's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) said that the beautiful Picha.
12 years ago Google brought the translate option. New features have been added day by day. It has become a very popular app nowadays. Now, an entire conversation can translate in a moment. If there is a signal in other languages ​​in Pathaghat, then the app can easily translate. It is easy to translate a restaurant name, a hotel name written in an unknown language and translate the name of the hotel. Various organizations are using the app for their own purposes.

Google's second-quarter revenue-exposure conference, Pichai said how Google's Transatlit app has become popular all over the world. Pichai says users of 143 billion (14 thousand 300 million) words in another language search in another language Pichai said that during the World Cup, the number of users increased greatly in a row.

In one day, 143 billion words are searched for 24 hours in the Google Translate app. Users do not know the meaning or pronunciation of any word, or enter the word Google in Google Translate to know what the word is in another language. Words can be transcribed in more than one hundred languages. And translates 37 languages ​​with pictures. When calculating 24 hours to 1 hour, more than 595 million words are searched in Google Transatlat. Every year new features are added to Google Translator. The app can be removed from Android and iOS.

Pretty said, 'We are overwhelmed by the positive response of users. During the World Cup in Russia, the app came in handy for many. If you do not know an unknown location or know the language of that place, Google Translator will help you with the right information at the right time.

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