Optimum survival strategy in a primitive community

Quite a lot of people in Russia tend to think that being determines consciousness. This is the result of Marxist propaganda in Russia, which continues so far in school textbooks. It flows from the lips of university teachers, bitten by her at a young age directly into the brain.

This ideology establishes a direct relationship between the plight of a person and his propensity for protest. However, the practice speaks directly to the contrary. The majority of votes in all elections are received by liberals in the capitals, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

But the current government, which worsens the situation of people every day, receives the majority of votes from just beggars. How to explain this dependence?

Game theory "five pirates"

Suppose that five pirates seized the ship, sent unfortunate people overboard to feed the sharks and found 100 gold coins, which should be divided so that the number of teams did not decrease. Primitive groups are organized through a hierarchy:
As the captain is the chief, he must, in accordance with the hierarchy, offer a plan for the sharing of money. If the plan is not successful there will be a riot, it will be sent to the shark for food. The assistant will take his place, if he also makes a mistake, the bloodshed will continue.

Therefore, the main task of the captain is to come up with a plan to divide up money, which is like half the team. The rest will be afraid in this case to argue, since sharks are not far from the ship's side, they continue to eat up those whose strategy was ineffective.

At first glance, the captain must divide the money equally among the team members in order to ward off the threat. But in primitive communities - this is a violation of the hierarchy and the manifestation of weakness, this is 100% likely to cause a riot.

We should not use the strategy of equality and brotherhood, but hatred and hatred to strengthen the hierarchy in the group. And this is understood by the rest of the pirates, and they also think about the possible future, putting aside what the sharks can feed themselves with.

The sailor perfectly understands that if the overthrow of the leaders begins and he remains alone with the helmsman, he will not get anything (0; 0; 100; 0); therefore he stands for preserving and strengthening the hierarchy, at least for the minimum possible part extraction in one gold.

Therefore, he will support any plan of the boatswain, in which he will receive one coin (0; 0; 99; 0; 1). Helmsman perfectly understands that a sailor with a boatswain will be killed and thrown overboard.

The only true strategy for him is to support the assistant, so his optimal strategy (0; 99; 0; 1; 0). To do this, you need to unite with an assistant and kill the captain. But the boatswain and the sailor perfectly understand that in this case they will not get anything, therefore the optimal survival strategy for them is the captain's support, and the sharing of money reaches equilibrium in the distribution (98; 0; 1; 0; 1).

Moreover, the helper and the helmsman realize that they do not shine with this optimal survival strategy and are ready to serve the captain in order to get at least one gold, otherwise they will be the loser anyway.

The captain understands this perfectly, therefore, after giving out one coin to each, he takes 96% of the prey and thereby approves his authority. The rest should still lick the captain's boots, because if he does not do any good, it will not shake his position in the hierarchy anyway.

The violence society is always hierarchical and against people

Such seemingly childish task opens up a whole layer of social relations, where polarized groups are dominating the fiercely competitive ones. These are racial, ethnic, national, cultural differences. Of course, the apogee is primitive groups and the gap between the rich and the poor.

People begin to choose the optimal strategy for survival in society. If society is torn apart by the contradictions between rich and poor, national, racial, ethnic enmity, then the individual strives to integrate into the hierarchy of the primitive group, showing violent violence.

And depending on his degree, he gets a place in the hierarchy, immediately getting into the logic of the game "five pirates." Therefore, the stories of Russian oppositionists who received a Soviet or Russian education about the fact that an ineffective Putin regime will bring people to extreme need and people in one glittering moment will slip off the stove, drink live water and throw off the hateful power is only laughter.

The poorer the population of the country, the stronger the hierarchical structure that permeates the whole of society. The harder the servants tear their hair on each other's heads and spit in each other's faces, competing among themselves in whom loyalty is longer and thicker. Each of them tries to serve the authorities as much as possible.

This environment is not capable of generating any protests against the authorities. If the society is dominated by polarized groups, each person strives to strengthen the vertical before the threat of competitors. The only joy in it is death and war, then there are sharp shifts in the hierarchies and you can be closer to the body of the leader.

This opens up more opportunities to serve him, having received privileges and rewards for this. Such a society is always bound by unjust inequality. Everyone who, at least a little bit, has moved up the hierarchy first to strive to protect himself from competition from below and to seal all his achievements in the class structure.

The class structure just creates an inequitable inequality. The place in it can be occupied by people having family ties, they are easily controlled to prevent competition. The principle of meritocracy is immediately violated.

A noncompetitive environment leads to elementary mental degradation of hierarchs, which makes it possible to cut off the talented and capable. After all, against their background, you will look like an idiot, which will immediately threaten the place in the hierarchy.

Therefore, in such societies, as a rule, the higher a person occupies a post, the dumberer he is. Here is such a natural selection in the environment of violence. The desire to immediately serve the authorities and sell for a golden, heavy way affects the political life, it simply aspires to zero.

The fact is that every oppositionist clearly understands that there is simply no alternative to the hierarchy of power. Therefore, the young politician gathers dissatisfied people who could not fall to the budget trough, especially those who were dragged from his feet. It raises a wave of protest and immediately sells power for gold.

And the amount of buying a young politician directly depends on the rising wave of discontent, which is effectively channeled. It is funny to look at this circus, which in the territory of Russia is its entire history.

Is it possible to break the vicious circle of poverty, eliminate the balance in which people seek to organize themselves into primitive groups?

Of course! To do this, you need to change the environment.

But about this tomorrow.


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