
Hello Steemians. It's geography again. Today is second part of the biggest rivers in world, the Nile.

Nile - the biggest oasis in the world

Nobody can excatly to say wich river is longer, the Amazon or the Nile. It flows thru the 3 countries, Sudan, Ughanda and Egypt. Consists of White Nile and Blue Nile. White Nile starts in Lake Victoria when is call Victorian Nile, after that flows in the Lake Alberta, when is call Alberta Nile, after that it flows in Karthum, Sudan. Blue Nile starts in Lake Tana in Ethiopia, and flows 1.400km to the Khartum and begin Nile. Nile is 6.650km long. The surface of the reservoir is 3.400.000 km2. It flows into the Mediterranean Sea and makes the delta of the Nile. Johan Hanning Speke was 1st discover in 19th centuary place where Nile begin(Victoria lake). Nil was the material foundation of the blooming of the ancient Egyptian civilizations.

imageSource: faktorba.com

Some of cities on the Nile are:

  • Cairo

- the capital of the Egypt. The first settlement on the site of today's Cairo was a Roman fort, called the fort of Babylon
located on the shores and Nile Islands in northern Egypt. its agglomeration is 15.2 million inhabitants and is the 13th largest city in the world. The population of Cairo is growing at a high speed. Between 1800 and 2001, the number of inhabitants increased more than 24 times. Bridges are stretched across Nile, connecting the city to the suburbs of Giza and Imbabah. The longest bridge in Cairo, but also all over Africa, is 22km long on called 6th October. THere are many monuments of ancient Islamic architecture, numerous tombstones and several hundred mosques. The historic part of the city was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1979.

  • Giza

- lying on the left coast of the Nile, subarb of Cairo, related with Cairo with bridge. Population of a 224,000 inhabitants. Nearby is the old Egyptian sacred place and the necropolis with three large pyramids(dad,son and grandson) from the age of IV. Dynasty. The largest, Keops consists of 2.3 million stone blocks and is 230m high, with a large number of halls, corridors and passages, Kefrenovas, with a partially preserved limestone roof, and the smallest, Mikerinovs pyramids covered with pink granite. Around them are smaller pyramids. imageSource: civitas.com

  • Aswan

- located in south Egypt between the steep sections of the Libyan and Arab deserts. Famous tourist center and winter resort, with 265.000 inhabitants. In the old millennium, the Greek town called Siena. Nearby are the remains of the temple raised by Ptolemy III. Euergetes. In it, Eratosten, the "father of" geography, calculated the extent of Earth in 230 BC. On the Nile is Elefantinate island. The island is 1,2km long and 400m wide. imageSource: tracotravel.com

  • Khartouma

- is the capital city of Sudan. It is located on the shores of Blue and White Nile, where both rivers connect to the Nile. It have 924.505 inhabitants. Developed at the intersection of important traffic routes. It was founded in 1821 as an Egyptian military camp for their visit to Sudan. Khartoum is located in a desert climate. Temperatures are high throughout the year, and rain falls only during the summer months. That's why Nil is the main source of water for the city. The Great Khartoum is a conurbation consisting of Khartoum, North Khartoum or Bahri and Omdurman with 3,075 013 inhabitants. A traditional Islamic city with numerous mosques. It is a significant traditional marketplace. imageSource: abuhmajoonews.com

  • Luxor

- located in the Egypt on right side of the Nile river, on the location of old ancinet Tebe. The modern city is located between the old Egyptian temples in Karnak and Luxor, while on the other side of the river Nila are places of Tebane necropolises. Because of this, the city is called "the largest outdoor museum in the world" and thousands of international tourists visit it every year. Biggest sight is the temple dedicated to Amon, the king of the gods, about 260 meters long. One of the curiosities of the temple are large pillars that have capitals in the form of papyrus. They are 19 meters high their range is almost 10 meters. imageSource: tuifly.fr

  • Valley of the king

- valley of desert hills on the west coast of the Nile near Tebe, opposite Karnak and Luxor in Egypt. There were Pharaohs and some worthy dignitaries burial there during the Egyptian New State.

  • The Great Aswan Dam

- wich Egypt, with the great assistance of the USSR, built on the River Nile in the city of Aswan between 1960 and 1970. The length is 3,830 m, height 111 m, width 980m at the bottom and 40m at the top.The Nasser lake was created. The construction of the dam enabled the production of significant amounts of electricity, flood. regulation in the Nile area, soaking, upstream of Aswan and fishing on Lake Nasser.

Main Source: putoholicari.rtl.hr

Written by: @kekec
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