Landscapephotography menikmati senja di kaki Gunung


Menanti senja di kaki Gunung sambil menatap sampan yang kosong, setelah di gunakan oleh pemilik, pencari rezeki, Sepenggal kata kuutarakan jangan takut rezeki tertukar, bahkan matahari yang besar dan panas terik di siang hari yang seolah menguasai pun pada akhirnya tenggelam, hilang dibalik gunung diujung barat, terganti dengan sayunya cahaya bulan di malam hari.

Seseorang pernah berkata bahwa, setiap orang ada masanya, dan setiap masa pun ada orangnya.

Jika kalian belum berhasil, mungkin sekarang bukan masanya kalian, tunggu saja waktu itu akan datang sesuai ikhtiar dan usaha masing-masing. Selamat beribadah shalat magrib.

>Waiting for the dusk at the foot of the Mountain while looking at the empty canoe, after being used by the owner, seekers sustenance, Piece of the word I say do not fear livelihoods swapped, even the big sun and scorching heat during the day that seemed to dominate was finally drown, lost behind mount diujung west, replaced by the moonlight at night.

Someone once said that, everyone has his time, and every time there is a person.

If you have not succeeded, maybe now is not your time, just wait that time will come according to effort and effort respectively. Congratulations worship magrib.

>***Jangan lupa untuk follow Akun saya @steem-lover***

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