A chapter closed


The slow poison of fireless smoke... Spreading to a few souls....
The open- hearted smiles now..
just an artificial adornment pasted..

The warmth turning cold..
to weaken the fragile thread of bond...
Like chameleon they camouflage..
to merge into the colour of their own reaches...!

Forgetting the ache that gnaw
their once loved ones raw...
The bitter taste of the spoiled broth... echoing the hollowness of the bond...

A rotten apple to spoil the lot
To throw it away her heart could not..
To stop the tongue wagging
Her love could not....
It bred on hearts favoured...

Tarnishing the glow of unity...
The fragrance of togetherness submerged in the stench putrid...
Affection is greater than perfection...
Not to be brushed aside for a few faults...

To walk away washing hands
with never a backward glance...!
Their role over in her life..

Free now to tune to a new rhythm...
As the life never ends with them...
Just a time to close the chapter...!

This thought a motivation
to roll the carpet of sorrows
and bury it deep among other debris
To be forgotten with time..!

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