😇Stimulation live # 01- @sjeezz # 01 REFLECTIONS visual
4 minutes ago.

Thank you for dropping in my blog I hope happy and happy

I have created a material concept for the original post and while crawling down the phenomenon to just identify the work and modification of how I solved it moral material and no speculation😇
I summarize it with the word private post ... 😇


By: Irene Radjiman

He called umi Fatma. The wife of a construction worker. Living in a rented house that he rent 500rb / month. Behind his rented house is a 4m2 = 2m × 2m soil that he plants chili, and some vegetables.

not many who know umi Fatma a hafidzah. She has 5 children and is now pregnant with her sixth child. Already many midwives who have STOP pregnant, use contraception! But for umi Fatma child is Rizki, and rizki should not stop. is pride, God is pleased to grant the trust of many children.

In his house there is no tv, no refrigerator and no fan. When I came to his house, banyaaakkk food he served. From pastries, sponge (wet cake), until fish meatballs were out.

his children are healthy. There are no signs of malnourished children. His first child is 16 years old hafidz, 2nd child of 13 th memorized 15 juz, being guided by his brother, 3rd child age 9 th memorized 5 juz, 4th child & 5th twin age 7th already qatam al- Quran.

WOW !!! I was stunned to hear his story. No tv sound from that house. Every day while waiting for the call to prayer sounding chanting of holy verses of the Quran bersahut-replication.

"Alhamdulillah, Allah is very dear to us mba Iren.Abinya home from work once a week, take 500rb of moneywe can every day eat like this "He said as he pointed his hand towards the dish he served for me.

Again I was startled! 500rb?! Once a week ?! This means that in 1 month less earn 2jt. Itupun still deducted pay rent rent per month. and he says a lot? Subhan Allah....!!! Feeling slapped my face .... maluuuu it feels.

I smiled wryly, my throat choked. Please count with the logic of Robert.T.Kiyosaki which he said business experts. Can he explain this all with his logic? while many of us are often throwing words:

"500rb mah now dapet fuck? !!!"

Allah is the Greatest....!!! How about 2jt / month they live well?

● "The sun is always sunna fast."
"What's the power of umi?"
"The work has been abi lakoni since the fourth grade of elementary school.Sunah fasting has been dilakoni since abi started school.So it's normal and ga heavy again Iren ms. We are friends from small, we both graduated from junior high school Alhamdulillah graduated elementary school abi already hafidz. even late, graduate from the new junior high school hafidzah. "

● "Umi, sorry, everyday what does the average spend spend?" Out of curiosity, my head finally came out.

Umma Fatma smiled. Before finally answering:

"If I can answer this question I am confused answer ya .. I rarely spend, even ever 1 full month I ga shoppingbecause every day adaaa aja nganterin food, whether it is raw food or food mateng. Seperto this fish baso, yesterday there are fish & eggs. Incidentally there is still flour, I finally made a sponge and baso. Still can share the same neighbors and can to entertain guests. I am mah, given the opportunity to share the same neighbors and entertain guests every day, already grateful mbak. "

Umi Fatma .... you are not a human being. You are not an average person. Notice the spoken words of his lips. There is not even one gift of God that he minimizes.

when the average person says: "Well even if only the construction worker and every week just bring 500rb money, I'm still grateful to eat every day. The important thing is there for kids snacks."

Notice the words that came out of the sholeha woman: "My husband is a construction worker of mbakalhamdulillah every week bring home 500 money back 500rb. I'm really grateful mba kalo every day given the opportunity to share with the neighbors and entertain guests. "

Does it look the difference? The average person is grateful "just lips service" but umi Fatma is grateful for his sincerity.

one of the sakinah family, whom Allah permits to occupy one of the corners of Heaven in the world, which will not be visible to the weary spies of usury and the treasure hunters of the world.

HALAL: when dicopas not for commercial

NOT HALAL: when dicopas for commercial purposes .

Sugestion @sjeezz

Walking on the truth of a concept every in the possession of human nature in the instinct of the heart, no compulsion because the truth is a faith and piety, think wisely in judging others the policy he takes absolutely private rights in to his faith.

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I work not for rewards - I stand by myself!

one who must know this is my world FACT and REAL 😅😅😅

: @sjeezz

Successful greeting driven optimistic !!!

          Thanks ☺
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