
By: Ustadz Bachtiar Nasir

  1. Try reminding everyone of the family one day;

  2. HOW TO HOW?
    See Qs. Ath-Thur 21-27.
    "The inhabitants of heaven divulge the secret of how to enter the paradise of a family. Want to know?"

3.the story of the inhabitants of paradise mingle each other face to face, each of them ask how your family first, KOK CAN ENTER PARADISE?

    "We can go to heaven because once in the world, in our family MIGHT warn one another about the painful punishment of hell".

5.Hence the HOUSEHOLD VISION of believers is:
"Maintain yourselves and your family from the torment of hell".
(Qs.At Tahrim; 6).

    will occur if each family member keeps himself and reminds other family members of the punishment of hell.

    if there is one family member (father, mother, brother or sister) falling into the torture of hell?

  3. Every member of the FAMILY will DEFINITELY be sad if the family ark broke and sank due to the waves of deadly world life.

9.to enter a family paradise, remind our family members who are erroneously sinning or neglect God's command, DO NOT LISTEN.

  1. DO NOT DISAPPEAR if our warning is ignored, or even abused, because da'wah in the family is sometimes heavier.
    TOLD OUT THE FAMILY WALK according to Al-Quran and Hadith.
    DO NOT FORGOT pray for open hearts and minds

  2. Noah's prophet never tired of reminding his lost son, Noah continued to pray for him until finally GOD Drowned Kan'an.

12.the prophet Luth as never stopped warning his dissenting wife, until finally Allah DESTROY THE WIFE with the sodom. (Qs.al- Hijr: 61-66)

13.asiah binti Muzahim, hobbled warned her husband Fir'awn, consistently educating Masyithah & Moses, finally ASIAH YG KILLED Pharaoh.

  1. Ababil never afraid to remind and advise his brother Qabil, RASA IRI DENGKI raged until finally Abel killed Qabil.

15.in order to enter the HEAVEN HEAVEN need great struggle and sacrifice, besides patience and consistency must also be done.

  1. REMEMBER TO HUSBAND to work in a halal place, do not bring home a haram income, because it will be the fuel of hell household.

17.REMEMBER THE WIFE to pay attention to the kosher consumption patterns for families, children will be hard to be obedient and worship if consuming the haram.
(Qs.al-Maidah: 88, al-Baqarah: 168)

18.GETTING CHILDREN that the fuel of hell is stone and man, lest one of us be fueled by hell. (Qs.At- Tahrim: 6)

  1. REMEMBER CONTINUOUS about the legitimate requirements of being a Muslim (pillar of Islam): two sentences of shahada, prayer, zakat, fasting, go Hajj if able. (Qs.al-Baqarah: 110, 177-178)

  2. TELL that the guardians of hell are powerful and violent angels, they never betray God & surely carry out His commands. (Qs.At-Tahrim: 6)

Hopefully useful for us and our respective families.

may we be with our families until the hereafter with Husnul Khotimah.

Aamiin Yaa Rabbal alamin ....

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