Songs or Hooking 💌 messages will be in space


A statement by the world-renowned scientist has been added in a fundamental tone of the song songwriter Vanjelis, with the film 'Charities of Fire' or 'Blade Runner'.

The European Space Agency's plan is to send the track to the nearest black hole or 🕳 black hole, from the satellite dishes in Spain's Sebroresos, which has been called Business Insider's report called '1A 0620-00'. This 🕳 black hole from the Earth is about 3500 light years away.

The European Space Agency's senior adviser Mark McCormian told #CNN that there is a statement given by Hawking's voice in the middle of this half-minute track.

What the science legend said in this statement is still not clear. The track will be announced on Friday and will be published later. But the date of publication is not yet fixed.

Haqing's family, besides friends, one thousand people will appear in Westminster Abbey in London on Friday. In it, people will recite their statements, including actor Benedict Cumberbatch and astronaut Tim Pic.

Another legendary physicist Sir Isaac Newton and the Evolutionist Evangelist Charles Darwin will be buried under the tombs of this @banjo Dakpal body of the study of cosmology and black holes.

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