Grass in front of the road😘

Assalamu'alaikum wr wb
Hi ... see me again @settime, Alhamdulillah I have the spirit again to share information even a little bitπŸ˜…. this time I will tell the grass on the road πŸ˜‰ image
Grass Flower Pennisetum polystachyon aka elephant grass very similar to grass of weeds. At first when I saw it from afar, I thought it was a weed grass. But then when I approach it turns out the flowers are not white shiny, but golden yellow brown. there is only one word spoken to comment on this plant "Beautiful!". imageLooking at this grass flower makes me think of the wind.πŸ˜„ Because the flowers of this grass will look more beautiful when he danced to the wind. 😍😘The grass flower πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ image

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