Black wasp


Good night.

**Hi ... **
self-esteem fans. What is your activity today. And now. Night for western Indonesia. And good day or night on another continent. Which is still active in self-esteem.

I'm @selvifitri. Return to Steemit. For my second post. In self-esteem.

As mentioned. At the time of my first post. About animals. I really like. Whatever the type. Tonight. I made a post about a bee or a black beetle.
These animals are indeed familiar to us, especially in the interior. Rural areas that still use the walls of their houses from wood (boards).

Wasp or black beetle. By the Gayo community. Just name the name "Gegoyong".
This animal. Really like the flowers that are in bloom.

What did he do with the flower ...? Of course.
Black wasps will suck honey. But black wasps are also sometimes the enemy of the people there.

Do you know the cause? Of course the answer. This black wasp made a hole in the wall of the people there. So that causes the walls of their homes to be porous.

While. That's all I know about black wasps or black beetles.




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