###eSteem Rapidly Fast In Market ##Cryptocurrency


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Steem Melesat Cepat


** Currently ** there have been recorded 603 types of cryptocurrency bedasarkan coinmarketcap.com. Steem, one of cryptocurrency with Steemit's social media platform, is now shot in the third position. It can be said that Steem's achievement is quite fast, has even managed to overtake DAO, Litecoin, and also Ripple in the top five.

Steem with Steemit platform, first introduced early May. Maintained by Ned Scott as CEO, and also Daniel Larimer as CTO Steemit and founder of Bitshares. Steemit, being a platform that drives the success of Steem cores. **A thick social media platform nuanced with cryptocurrency, **enabled to distribute steam coins to its users.

Distribusi koin steem itu diberikan kepada pengguna yang telah memposting konten, maupun juga lewat vote.Hasil terobosan Steem cukup luar biasa.Cryptocurrency yang bisa dibilang masih baru ini berhasil melesat pesat di posisi ketiga.
Distribution of steem coins is given to users who have posted the content, as well as through the vote. The breakthrough results of Steem quite extraordinary. Cryptocurrency is arguably new still managed to bolster rapidly in the third position.

And on 3 July, Steem is still in fifteenth position. Its market capitalization is $ 15,009,110, with volume reaching $ 8,351. But apparently only in a few weeks, Steem has been in third position. On July 20, 2016, today, its market capitalization also increased, reaching $ 296,231,190 with a volume of $ 669,930.

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Could be, Steem's success will also be placed in second position, replacing Ethereum. But it all depends on the extent to which the success of Ethereum's hardfork plan is planned to be done today. Hardfork is done to overcome the recovery of DAO funds that previously been successfully burglarized in June.

If you look at the market and the Steemit approach, it might be possible. Steemid social media platform is indeed proven to encourage users to adopt in a relatively quick time. And of course, users are more motivated because they can also benefit rewards, on the Steem distribution pattern in this way.

Ned Scott at the beginning of the launch Steem rate, this distribution pattern is a crucial thing. And it should attract a lot of interesting content creators in Steemit. So that the distribution of coins can also flow in the market. Though Steemit's Steemit platform is currently in third position, is it possible that Steem succeeds in second place in Ethereum, or even down. We will see later.

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