My mother lied


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My mother lied

Thomas Edison school teacher, a month later, I returned from school each day because of an envelope to his mother. not read yet. She opened the envelope and read it. Read Edison cried.

  • "not very understanding of talented and gifted person. Our school teachers are not teaching him to love "

Since then, taught by her mother at home. Several years later, her mother died. Soon, Edison became one of the world's most successful inventor known scientist. One day she went to her mother's embedded devices and see what the open box. Old, instead of 0 and 0 see my manner of life in an aging READ. Here's the message
"Intelligence is very low. Not in his lifetime. We accept her school has started school today "

Read Edison 0 so sad crying bitterly. I twisted him forever when you can grief. His mother had to teach him because he's famous very well aware of what has become a great inventor.

The same night, he and his diary to write down the book says.

  • Thomas Edison Intelligence is a very low one. Her mother is the world's most intelligent, talented and have been developed to make sense of one of the chief scientist '

I would like my parents. Your children to school, teachers, teacher Thailand, understanding other people If the school received a trust easily. The future of our children's parents want her to known.

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