The cause of the wind sits on the body


Sitting wind or angina is a condition characterized by pain in the chest due to the lack of heart muscle blood supply. Disruption of this blood supply occurs due to the narrowing or hardening of the blood vessels.

The wind sat steady.
Physical activity (eg exercise) is the trigger for this condition. When a person does exercise, his heart will need more blood intake.


The wind sits unstable.
This condition can be triggered by fat deposits or blood clots that reduce or block the flow of blood to the heart.

Wind sits variant (wind sits Prinzmetal).
In this case the heart artery narrows temporarily due to spasm. The wind sitting variant can happen anytime, even when someone is resting. Symptoms are often severe. Temporary narrowing of the arteries causes the blood supply to the heart to decrease and pain arise.

the factors that can increase the risk of getting a sitting wind are :
high cholesterol
Have diabetes
Lack of exercise

That's the cause of the wind sitting from now on do not forget sports, Food must be maintained, And reduce some of smoking may be useful.

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